
31 weeks!

So I’m now 31 weeks, in the single figure countdown! It’s starting to feel more real now that we will have an actual baby here in the not so distant future!

I’m on the joyous iron tablets which aren’t doing much yet apart from the ‘black’ affect. Those who have been on iron tablets before will know what I’m on about. TMI! 
The monkeys are being cute with the bump and regularly talk to her. Youngest monkey likes to come over and give the bump a kiss. I keep getting asked ‘when’s the baby coming out’. ‘Is she sleeping now?’ 
I had a midwife appointment yesterday and baby is measuring spot on for the weeks, which puts me on the top line on my graph. Hoping I’m not cooking a huge one! I also spoke to her about my concerns of experiencing PND again (a whole other post).
The bump is still very round and it’s getting more difficult to heave my whale like self off the sofa and out of bed. I have  spd which doesn’t help as I can’t shuffle. The oh laughs and helps me out of the corner of the sofa. I might have to give up the comfiest place soon, unless I want to spend the rest of my pregnancy stuck in there. 
I’ve started nesting, poor oh came home yesterday to me having totally moved the lounge around. My next room to tackle is the play room! Wish me luck! 
I’m writing this whilst getting my hair done, we are off to Italy next week and want at least one thing to look good. I also really need to get my toenails sorted. I can still do them myself if I sit in a frog like position but it’s not exactly comfy! 
Here is my first belly out bump pic at 31+ 2. I was feeling brave! As you can see my belly button is out, it’s been out for ages. I will admit it does gross me out a bit. I had a maxi dress on and it was really obvious the other day so I tried to stick it down with a plaster. In case your wondering, it doesn’t work!! 

Mother's Always Right


Melaina25 says:

Have fun in Italy!

☼Transatlantic Blonde☼

Eilidh Gallagher says:

Thanks, attempted painting my toenails tonight in preparation!

Molly Forbes says:

Lovely bump! You look beautiful. I’m all for the pampering in pregnancy. Anything to make you feel better! I had my hair done recently and it was bliss. Need to sort out my toenails now too – I can barely reach mine anymore and my husband isn’t exactly helpful in that department! Thank you for linking up to #BlogBumpClub. x

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