Just Eilidh

37/38 weeks

My bags are packed, all the baby clothes are washed and we have got everything off the list. However I still don’t feel ready!

Now that I have a date, not like a due date, a date that the baby will definitely be here by it’s definitely feeling more real. After seeing the consultant I was booked in for a c section on the 13th. I can’t tell you how upset I was when at my midwife appointment she tells me that due to the strikes it had been moved to the 15th when I will be 39+6! 

The last two weeks have been filled with hospital visits. Baby bump has been very quiet on and off so I actually spent some of my 30th being monitored. I also hadn’t grown in fundal height measurement for 4 weeks so we got sent for another growth scan. All is looking good and baby was weighing in at 7lb at 38+1. Very surprising as I’m measuring 4 weeks under now. The next drama is that the itching I’ve been having for a couple of weeks got worse and is keeping me awake at night. This can signal a problem with the liver, so I was back in again with more monitoring and blood tests.

I’ve been in and out of the hospital so much this pregnancy. I didn’t have to go in once with either of the boys. I’ve also had more scans than I did with both of their pregnancies put together. It’s definitely been a very different pregnancy experience this time. 
Inbetween all the drama I had a lovely baby sprinkle, a lovely 30th and have managed to spend some quality time with the oh and the two monkeys. I’m hoping for a more peaceful last week of pregnancy! 
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