
5 simple hair care tips

One of the things they don’t tell you about when you are pregnant is the after hair loss. It’s happened to me with all 3 of mine and each time it has been worse. Like clockwork, three months post partum, bang goes my nice hair and it all starts falling out.

The first time I would just clog up the plug with loads of hair everytime I washed it and my hair got everywhere, I had to hoover loads to pick it all up. Luckily I naturally have lots of hair so it wasn’t too noticeable.

With the second baby it was worse as this time around my hairline I grew back hair that had fallen out in little baby fluff, tufty patches which was really annoying.

Third time and I actually noticed the thinner patches. They were particularly bad around my hairline again and worse towards my temples. While having my hair done months later my hairdresser found about 5/6 patches of hair regrowth all over my head. Ava is 23 months now and my hair around my hairline is still growing back, it has been particularly fine and fluffy around the left side of my forehead and so I swapped my side fringe over to cover it up.

My poor hair has definitely been through it with a bad hair dye job last year thrown in to the mix. I decided I needed to change a few things to look after my hair.

5 simple hair care tips

Here are some of the things I have done to help improve the quality of my hair in the last year. 5 simple hair care tips;

  1. Invest in a good leave in conditioner. I actually think this is the one thing that has made the most difference. The price of the conditioner put me off initially but I wish I had bought it sooner as using it my hair is smoother, feels stronger and just generally healthier. I use more than the hairdresser suggested and after a couple of months of use, including daily washing on holiday, I still have loads left. 
  2. Cut down on the heat. It’s easier to do this in the summer but cutting down on the amount of heat you subject your hair too definitely makes a difference. I try and let it dry naturally and then straighten it if I want to, or scrunch it and leave it. When it’s hot I’ve been letting it dry and then just putting it up instead of styling, so I’m not re straightening parts of it each day.
  3. Stop picking. After my disastrous dye job I would sit and pick the damaged ends of my hair or search through for split ends and pick them. Now when I catch myself doing it I go and apply some hair oil to the ends instead. If your hair is already dry, applying it like this won’t make it look greasy, infact my hair seems to absorb it in and then I have less crispy bits to annoy me.  
  4. Get a detangle hairbrush. The detangle hairbrush I got in one months My little Box, has changed the way I brush my hair. To start, when my hair was in bad shape I struggled to use it, but now I really notice a difference and it means I don’t damage any knotted hair after it has been washed.
  5. Use and Invisibobble. I’ve seen these around for a while now but have only just got myself one. They don’t leave a kink in your hair, help you avoid damaging your hair and the best part for me is that the Invisibobble stops your hair pulling on your head giving you a headache. I don’t know why I didn’t get one sooner. 

I was lucky that although frustrating and worrying at times, my hair loss and hair damage weren’t extreme. I do know however how much even a little bald patch can affect your confidence. I was fortunate that mine has grown back, albeit slowly.




RachelSwirl says:

Ill have to look into the invisibobble idea!

Sarahbel says:

Ooh I’ve never used an invisibobble – I like the sound of no kinks. I’m forever putting my hair up and down. I think though the best hair product I’ve used is hair oil – I picked up some Moroccan oil from work just before mat leave and I’m still using it now. I swear it makes my hair fuller, softer, swishier – even when it all started falling out after the babe (sob!) #picknmix xx

I suffered from terrible post-partum hair loss – I would be pulling it out in handfuls in the shower! Thankfully it all grew back fine without any bald patches, but these are great tips. The detangle hairbrush sounds perfect for me – my hair is always breaking when I brush it after washing! It’s hard to prioritise things like this when you’re in that crazy newborn phase, but I do think it can get you down when it keeps happening months on, so it’s really important. #picknmix

I have a lot of hair too so it wasn’t noticable when I lost some after pregnancy. But I fond now it is quite hard to look after as I wear it long. It gets very tangly and quite dry as I have highlights. I really need some decent conditioner and the invisibobble sounds great. Sarah #PickNMix

Sharon Parry says:

Really useful tips. Hair loss is the last thing you need when you are dealing with a young baby so this is great advice. #PicknMix

Mine took an age to grow back. Years and I only have short hair. I actually didn’t know that it was common before i had children. Great post. #PickNMix

Mud cakes and wine says:

I love a detangle brush and it’s great, think I need to try the bobble sounds great. Always use a leave in conditioner when I have some time really helps my rather stra like hair #picknmix

It is crazy the changes that your hair endures when hormones go bizerk. Mine even changes in texture and I have a good friend who has gone from pin straight to curly after a few kiddos.


My hair is horrendously weak at the moment, will have to try some of these tips 🙂

Stevie xx

I need to sort mine out! I had it cut short. Regretted it and now it goes up most of the time! When it’s long I’ll deal with it haha!!


Oh I remember the plughole being full on my hair after I had my two – eurgh and booooooo! 🙁 I love the sound of the invisibobble, I always get headaches from having mine tied up so definitely worth investing in if I save a fortune in headache tablets 🙂 #picknmix

Oh wow I have recently been looking at the invisibobbles but I am so tight to spend like £5 on 3 bobbles, but if they really are worth it then I might get some! My hair wasn’t too bad first time round but second time round my hair is falling out all the time; the kids always have it in their mouths, it is all over the floor/sofa/bed.. My youngest is 1 next week and it’s still really bad! I brush my hair every day but it is awful awful awful! I’m glad to know that I am not on my own though! #picknmix

Crummy mummy says:

My hair is a right state at the moment after going from being pregnant to breastfeeding to being pregnant again with no gap! I will certainly try some of these tips! #picknmix

Selene says:

Awesome post, these are certainly some great tips! Another great thing to help promote healthy hair is making sure to get regular trims. Thanks for sharing!

amazing tips and so informative! thanks!

Unless you have a very oily scalp, wash only once or twice a week. As a bonus to this hair care beauty tip, the less you wash, the less often you need to apply a styling product.

spa NYC says:

Your best bet for shampoo is the product recommended by your salon stylist. In between washes, briefly rinse hair to remove dirt.

Abby says:

I used to dry my hair and straighten my hair every day, and now I curl my hair and dry it only occasionally and almost never on the same day. Cutting back on the heat definitely made a difference in the health of my hair. Thanks for sharing!

shaun nelson says:

Thank you soooo much for this hair blog! Im just starting of, but have had making a blog in my head for a while now and it can really be so intimidating. Love your blog girl!

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