Its been just over 18 months since I started this blog and I had absolutely no idea what I was getting in to. If you write a blog you will know what I mean. It’s all consuming, you think about posts in the shower, driving and whilst cooking dinner. You get sucked in to spending more and more time on social media, engaging with other bloggers, brands and people. You go somewhere or do something with the family and are always trying to capture the perfect picture to share on Instagram or put into a blog post. There’s nothing wrong with that, I enjoyed it, still do and I’m sure there will be those of you reading it who agree. I can remember reading posts about bloggers block, bloggers burnout when I was relatively new to the scene, thinking how can you run out of things to say, to write about. My head was full of ideas. These days I find myself staring at a blank screen more often than not, wondering what words are going to pour onto the paper this time. I’ve never really manage to get in to planning and scheduling posts. I guess it’s not the way I am, my life isn’t really planned, I prefer to go with the flow and this is an extension of my life.
Time is a huge issue for me at the moment. I love this little space of mine and I’m so grateful to it for the friends it has brought in to my life and the opportunities it has brought me, however it takes so much time. With working part time I just don’t have the hours to put into it to make it as successful as it could be. I don’t want to be tapping away in the day when I could be spending time with Ava who is growing and changing so much so very quickly. I struggle to do any in the evenings now as it was becoming and issue between me and James. He doesn’t understand why I do it. I can’t explain it either. All I know is that I’ve spent so many hours on it, so much time that to stop would be such a waste.
I love blogging, it has given me back a bit of the me that I lost after having children, I have a personality again that’s not just a being a Mum. I’m proud of this little place I have created. So I’ve come to the conclusion that maybe I have bloggers burnout, writers block, whatever you call it. Please tell me any advice or tips you may have to help me get over it?