I cant believe it is the end of June already. We have had such a busy month with moving house and visiting Bluestone. Here are ten things I have liked/loved this month.
Our wedding shoot. Not a real one, although James did post a picture and we got a lot of congratulations! We modelled for a Wedding venue and it was so much fun dressing up in a wedding dress and posing together. We very rarely get to spend any time together any more just the two of us and we have had a meal out and a day at one of my best friends weddings this month.
Kyle is doing well at School and is such a lovely caring big brother. He is so gentle and loving with his baby sister and even though him and Finlay wind each other up they do love each other. At their swimming lessons they have a lesson a term where you talk to the teachers and they have a play with floats. Kyle instead of playing with his friends and the big floats, takes a ring to his little brother, helps him and then stays to play with him.
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Aw sounds like a fab month gorgeous lady! Yay to crawling and your boys both sound so lovely! Well done on Tots!!!
Stevie xx #TenThings
Oh wow when your littlest starts hitting those milestones it is full throttle into the future! I must say you two make a very attractive couple – I’m not surprised you were chosen to sell the wedding venue! I really must look into a holiday to Bluestone – I feel like one of the only bloggers in the UK who hasn’t been!! Hope July is equally as good for you. X
Oh and I forgot to say you looked stunning in that wedding dress!
Stevie x
I moved not long ago,drives you mad putting it all away doesn’t it!!That wedding dress is beautiful you look amazing x #picknmix
It looks like you had a very busy month in June! I hope you are all settled into your new home and that this month bring many more happy moments! x #PicknMix
Sounds like you’ve had a lovely month – Ava starting to crawl is such a milestone, well done her!
Helen x
Well done on the TOTS!
You two look lovely in that wedding shoot, what a lovely pair.
Glad you’re all moved in now! We’re starting the sorting and packing this week, sigh. Just want to magically appear in the new home and be all set up ha ha.
Glad you had fun at Bluestone. Thanks for linking up and have a wonderful weekend xx
Sounds like a fabulous and very busy month!!
How wonderful you got to dress up all bridal for a photo shoot, I’d love to do that! You looked amazing too!!
Moving house is definitely stressful, sounds like you’re settled in and a nice big garden definitely makes it worth it especially since there’s been such nice weather in the UK!
Thanks for hosting #picknmix x
My baby has just started crawling too, so your video made me smile.
We’ll both need eyes in the backs of our heads now!
I look forward to seeing the reviews of the body products, looks like an interesting selection.
glad you are moved in looks like you are having a great time and you have things sorted the photos on you blog are lovely and you have a lovely family ps crawling is when the fun begins #picknmixfriday
Look at her go! Just you wait until she’s walking!! 🙂 You both look gorgeous in your wedding shoot! #PicknMix
What fab photos – we went to Bluestone a few years ago and loved it #PicknMix
Wow a busy month! That must have been fun doing a wedding shoot and it wasn’t your wedding! Like dress-up, I would love that haha. Well done on your Tots score, and hurray for crawling, and your little boy starting school in September – its gonna be emotional! #PicknMix Sabrina xx
Sounds like you’ve had a really busy month? Yay to Ava crawling. #PicknMix
Sounds like a great month you had! Also, can I just say! You look beautiful in those photos. That dress is stunning xxx
This lovely sunny weather is awesome, isn’t it!? Long may it continue
What a brilliant list! Well done to Ava for crawling and congratulations on your Tots score 🙂 !
Xx #picknmix
Congratulations on your tots100 score!! You look stunning in the wedding pics! #PicknMix xx
A busy month! Your garden looks glorious! #PickNMix
Wow, it looks like you had a very busy but very lovely month. It must have been fun dressing up for a wedding shoot and you both look great! #TheList
What a beautiful month, the wedding shoot photos are wonderful and the marshmallows toasting looks the best fun #PicknMix
Ah Bluestone is amazing isn’t it! We went in march and loved it, would love to go back again! #picknmix
Well done on the Tots100 🙂
We went to Bluestone in March and it’s fab isn’t it? The wedding shoot looks fun and I am loving the sunny days too it’s just so nice to be out and about and playing in the gardnen.
Sounds like a great month and you look gorgeous in the wedding shoot photos! #picknmix xx
A busy month for you then! So lovely that the boys love their little sister so much and the wedding shots are beautiful, that must have even fun to do! 🙂 x
The wedding shoot looked fab. What I would give for a day of pampering where someone would come and do my hair and make up and make me look less monstrous! When do you back to work? I am back teaching full time on Monday! 🙁
Love your Bluestone vdo and pics, makes me want to go there already! haha I love that you have kept the natural sound and the birds and the bees and the water stream running throughout the film. Love the garden, it is massive!! Wish I can have that garden. Yeay on Ava crawling! She’ll be grabbing on to the boy’s toys soon! Love your wedding photos. “Congratulations! You are a stunning couple.” It’s true! I never got married but this dress up idea is sure a fun day. The beauty set looks good enough to eat! Looking forward to seeing your review. My eyes are on the Green Tea. 🙂 Well done Kyle, such a sweet boy. Brotherly love! Finlay, must be the same age as my boy Ethan. My Ethan is 4.5 months now. he will be starting Reception this September too, but I am also not worried as I think have chosen the right school for him. He will also enjoy it there. We went to their Summer Fair last weekend and he loves it. 🙂
Sounds like a fab month to me – bless your little one for crawling!
What a great month!! Lovely photos – that dress!!
What a beautiful round up of June. Sounds and looks like you really made the most of this past month. I hope July holds just as much adventures. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme
Ah looks like a gorgeous month, how fun doing a wedding shoot. I often think I’d like to go and try wedding dresses on just to feel fabulous but the only way I’d be able to do it is by visiting a shop and I can’t bring myself to waste their time (given that I was married four years ago)!
And yes to sunny days…the best!
June looks like great fun – I love the video of Ava crawling, I remember sitting for ages videoing just before R first crawled and ran out of space just as the magic moment happened! Ha! Love you box of goodies, I get a Birchbox and it’s literally my favourite moment of the month, seeing what’s come through the door that month 🙂 And you two are gorgeous in your shoot! I thought your husband was Huge Jackman when I clicked through from the linky picture!
Thanks for linking up to #TheList xx