
10 Things I’ve liked and loved the last few months

My plan was to write one of these every month this year but life has got in the way. We suffered heartache in February which has taken it’s toll on looking at life in a positive light. We moved house, I had a wobble about blogging and have also been struggling with anxiety. All these things mean I really do need to look at the positives more, so this will be a monthly feature from now on.

1. Photography. I’m loving taking photo’s at the moment. I mainly use my iphone 5s so nothing special. I have access to a Canon DSLR so I really need to use that more and start figuring it out. My photo’s on Instagram have been featured on the hashtags #CelebratingMotherhoodIG, #MyHappyCapture and #CuriousLittleExplorers which has been lovely to see. I also run the #366daysofpositive for anything that makes you smile and love the little community. If you aren’t already following me on Instagram I would love it if you did. 


It’s just me and this little one today as her brothers are off to watch the football. Poor James’ nose and face look so sore today, I’m worried about him driving all the way to Manchester. I couldn’t sleep last night thinking of the what ifs and kept waking to hug him and Ava a bit tighter!

A photo posted by MummyandMonkeys (@mummyandmonkeys) on

  1. Sunny days. Oh how I’ve needed it to turn into Spring this year, the winter seemed to go on forever. I love waking up in the mornings to blue sky and all the beautiful colours that are starting to appear. We have already had some gorgeous sunny days and even a BBQ. I’m also loving that I can wear flip flops again.



  1. Spa Day. We went to Aqua Sana at Woburn Sands for one of my best friends 40ths. If you’ve ever been to an Aqua Sana they are amazing and no other Spa compares again. As much as I love my children they are full on so to have some time out to recharge really helps. The day was full of laughs, chatting, relaxation, food, prosecco and coffee. A pretty perfect day.


  1. Dates. We have been trying to make more time for each other which isn’t always easy. I’m making more of an effort to not be on the laptop every evening and we have even got out for a few dates. 

Blue yumi pleated strappy dress from House of Fraser


5. Blogging. Despite my wobble in blogging I have had some successes. A Tots Good Read, featured in a Mumsnet roundup and had a post on Mumsnet front page. I went to Blog Camp at the weekend and came away with an increased determination to make my dreams a reality. It was also lovely to chat to some other Bloggers in real life and have cuddles with gorgeous baby Martha.

6. Ava. She is changing so much at the moment and is definitely a real little toddler now. If you follow my Facebook page you will see the little antics she gets up to, like putting potatoes in the washing machine and cherry tomatoes in the butter tub. She is incredibly cute and loving, cuddles are high on her agenda and I hope it stays like that. I’m also really enjoying watching her relationships with her brothers, Daddy and Grandparents she’s such a loved little girl who now cries when she drops her big brothers at School.



  1. Finlay and Kyle. Finlay has just settled into School so well, he was definitely ready.Plenty of friends and he’s happy to go which is the main thing. I can’t believe his first year is almost over! he’s such a funny little thing with a great imagination. The other day we were driving home when he suddenly said “I can’t wait to get home and play with my lamb”. Follwed by a little story about a lamb in the garden that had been thrown over the fence, haha. Kyle is growing up so quickly, he doesn’t always find School easy but has been trying hard and he still loves his sport. He’s off on his first overnight School trip tomorrow and is so excited.



  1. Moving House. I hated the moving part but now we are here this house is much better than the last one, warmer and it just feels more like us. The boys have made little friends and there are no mice! I am missing the views out to the fields and the garden but this house feels more like home.

9. Making my non negotiables list. I haven’t kept to them all but I’m really trying to make more of an effort for myself, even setting myself a confidence challenge. The fresh flowers make me happy and I’v been listening to music more. I’ve also started going to a Yogalates class once a week which I love and been exercising at home too.

IMG_8001 (1)

  1. Summer holiday planning. We are going to Devon again in the summer, staying in a big house in Ilfracombe this time which I can’t wait for. It’s so nice to be able to spend quality time together as a family.We recently had a little weekend trip to Devon which I made a vlog of and it’s made me really want to go back.

If you like the idea of doing ten positive things from the month. Stevie at A Cornish Mum does a linky on the 25th of each month that you can join up to. 


A lovely list and your photos are just stunning. I particularly love those bright yellow flowers. I also had a spa day recently, doesn’t it make you feel so much better??

RachelSwirl says:

Ooo I like this post, having to think of ten positives might be a hard thing for me to do though but I will put it on my to do list !

If you do then be sure to come link up to the #TenThings and Liked and Loved link on my site lovely as that’s why the gorgeous Eilidh does the post 🙂

Stevie x

I am with you about seeing the sun – it makes everything seem so much nicer doesn’t it??
I really enjoyed blogcamp too- wish I’d said hi! Love that blue dress, you look stunning.
Glad you are settled in and everyone is happier and no mice can only be a bonus!! #10things

This is such a happy post! I need to get into instagram more, I take tons of photos with my iphone too, but just never really share them. #TenThings

Sounds like an awesome month. I could do with a spa day! I’ve been rubbish at taking photos lately need to take a few more. I really want a proper camera and not just my iphone although I can’t really complain about the photos I get from it! Glad you are all settled in! xx #Tenthings

Lovely photos and good to read about another hashtag I can join in with on Instagram! #tenthings

I know you had a really rough time of it gorgeous so I’m so pleased there have been so many positives still. Hope from now all its just all positives the way you deserve it to be.

Thanks for linking up to #TenThings

Stevie xx

Emma says:

absolutely love Aqua Sana – we went to the one in Longleat and it was lush #picknmix

Crummy mummy says:

Focusing on the positives is a great idea at times like this! We really need to get out for some dates… #picknmix

The Pramshed says:

Beautiful pictures here lovely, and congrats on the featured blog posts. I love the Aqua Sana spa at Centre Parcs, we were lucky enough to use it before having our little one, and it was heavenly. I’ve really enjoyed reading this list and hearing your positivity. Claire x #PickNMix

Amanda says:

A happy post which really makes me want to go relax in a spa! Definitely can’t beat a holiday in Devon though I’m biased as it’s where I grew up. We’ll be moving there when we return from Australia, can’t wait to spend days playing at the beach and walking in the moors with doggy and bub! Hope you have a lovely time! #PicknMix

Maria says:

Glad to see you are focusing on the positives and all the lovely things that you’ve done over the past few months – you’re photos are gorgeous. Well done in getting featured on Mumsnet and Tots too! #PickNMix

Mum in Brum says:

What a fabulous list! It’s amazing how much the sun has perked me up these last few weeks. I’m also really getting into photography this year and love Instagram. We really need to go on a few date nights as it’s been sooo long – I love your blue dress in the pic! I also just read your blogging wobble post – I dropped 324 places in Tots100 last month, despite having a fab month with stats etc – I’ve decided to really not take any notice of it any more! xx

Sorry to hear about your heart ache :(. On a positive this list is brilliant and I am loving your blue dress., and a spa day! Thanks for hosting #PickNMix

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