Just Eilidh

A week of firsts, Ischia and two words #LittleLoves

It’s been a week of firsts here. Ava started Pre-School and I have started my new work from home role. Kyle had his first day in year 5 (how is he that old?) and Finlay his first day in year 2. It’s like I blinked and missed summer, including the summer weather. July and August were pretty rubbish weren’t they? I was hoping for a warm September but I’m siting typing this in jeans, a long sleeved top and fluffy socks!

I have to mention our trip to Ischia last week for James’ 40th. I will be writing a post all about it really soon. If you get the chance to visit it is a beautiful part of the World. 


I got ‘Small Great Things’ in the airport which has been on my to read list for a while. I’ve got about two chapters left and I can’t wait to find out what finally happens. This book is a real, make you think, book. It’s about racism and although based in America is pretty relevant to our society. 


Power! I know, late to the party again. We are now into season 2 and I’m hooked!


Ava joining two words together. Anyone who has a child with a speech delay will know what a big deal this is. I can’t really remember the boys at this stage of speech, maybe because the process of talking was more fluid for them. She’s been trying really hard and it’s so cute to listen too. We’ve had pink towel, Daddy poo (haha), Mummy hand, biscuit please etc. She has a pause between the words where you can almost hear her little brain thinking what’s next. Each word still isn’t very clear, we know what she’s saying, but I will probably still have to translate for other people. 


A start on my new work from home job. It feels very weird to not be teaching, but I’m not missing it. Yesterday Ava had a dieticians appointment and then we went to do some food shopping. For once I didn’t feel guilty doing that with her as I’ve had more time with her during the week than I would have done. 


I’m cheating with this one and using a pic from Ischia last week. The weather is so miserable today so I’m dreaming of warmer weather. I’m still wearing my Saltwater sandals though for as long as possible!

And Lastly ….

Ava started Pre-School this week, she will be going two mornings a week. Her first session on Wednesday went well, I think. I even had a bit of time in the house on my own which was very odd!

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