This month seems to have gone really quickly. I’ve been ill for the last couple of weeks and James was away for just over a week meaning some things that were on my March bucket list just haven’t got done.
Things for my blog
- Post a weekly vlog update on Ava. I haven’t managed to do this which I’m sad about. I have been making sure that I take little videos but I really need to sort my phone out as I have no memory on it from thousands of photos.
- Sort out a logo, tidy up blog pages and get an about me in the sidebar. I still need to do a logo. I have sorted my pages and I still need an about me.
- Increase followers across all social media platforms. Currently they are at Twitter 1,309 – 1,650 Facebook 0- 188 Instagram 417 – 517, Blogolovin 24 – 65, Pinteretst 42 – 63. I’ve done ok on this I think as I haven’t really done much to promote them so I need to do more.
Things for me
- Try 1 new recipie a week baking or a meal and blog it. I haven’t done very well with this. Iv’e done a few but haven’t got around to blogging them.
- Date night with James. Out of the house! Not impressed that we still haven’t done this. It hasn’t helped that he was working in America for just over a week this month. We have had some lovely evenings in the house though.
- Start a beauty regime. I’ve researched what I want to get, but haven’t started it yet.
- Start exercising. I’ve done this one, yey! I’ve started doing Mummy Workouts and I’m doing core exercises every other day.
- Sell/donate tiny baby/newborn clothes. Still need to do this.
- Book our Summer holiday to Devon. We have found some places and just need to decide and book now. Hoping it will be done by the end of the week.
- Meet up with friends that haven’t met Ava yet. I’ve managed to do this one, which has been great.
- I’ve started meal planning (again) and so far so good. I’ve done this for a few weeks this month. It all went out the window when James was away but it does make a difference when I do it.
- Try to plan in some me time. Haven’t done very well with this.
- Make 1 sensory thing for Ava. I’ve done this and there is a blog post to come.
- Focus on Kyle’s letter formation and Finlay writing his name and number recognition. I’ve been doing this with the help of Twinkl, another blog post to come.
Here is my bucket list for April.
Things for my blog
I feel like I had to focus on other things the last few weeks and my blog has been a bit neglected. I’m glad to be able to focus a bit more time on it again.
- Logo and About me will be done by the end of the month.
- Continue to increase followers across all social media platforms.
- I’ve got a couple of exciting ideas which are in the pipeline that I want up and running in the next month.
Things for me
- ME TIME. I really, really need to get better at this!
- Date night with James. It’s going to be embarrassing having to say again next month that we haven’t done it.
- Start my beauty regime.
- I’ve got some nice days out planned for the next week or so and I’m looking forward to doing them.
- I had a week where I felt like a rubbish Mum, so I would like more weeks this month where I feel like a good Mum.
What’s on your Bucket list for April? Pop over and have a look at all the others who are joining in the lovely Beth at Twinderelmo.