Do you have any Christmas traditions? We have a few that we do, some more important that others. A Christmas Eve box is a lovely one that we always do now. Over the years I have put different things in it depending on the age of the children. It’s always included hot chocolate and marshmallows, (snowman soup) and magic reindeer food. Below is a list of what I am putting in it this year with an 8 year old, 5 year old and 14 month old. I can’t wait!
- A special Christmas eve bath bomb.
- New pyjamas or slippers. Ava has a Christmas sleepsuit and both Kyle and Finlay have new pyjamas.
- Hot chocolate, I always make them snowman soup in a cone.
- New Christmas book which then gets added to our collection for the book advent. I also put in the Night Before Christmas and my old favourite Santa has a busy night.
- Christmas film, this may be a new one or an old favourite.
- Magic reindeer food.
- Special box of Christmas biscuits.
- Happyland Christmas set.
- Chocolate snowman lolly.
- Magic Snow.
- A sparkly red hair bow for Ava.
Do you have a Christmas Eve box?