
Extraordinary Moments – with Cow & Gate Growing Up Milk

*This is an advertorial post in collaboration with Cow & Gate Growing Up Milk.*

Ava at two is at the age where she amazes us every day with something new. I was working today and came home to some new words and her being able to tell you to ‘Shhhh’ with the action. Missing moments with her like these makes the days I have with her all the more precious. We try and do nice activities and trips but sometimes the simple moments we have together are the best. Cow & Gate Growing Up Milk have created a website and storybooks of Extraordinary Moments to help turn your everyday situations with your toddler into extraordinary moments. Using a photo of your little one in action and uploading it, they create a personalised story book that you can share together.

The other day we went for a walk in the Forest which after the rain is perfect for a little fan of muddy puddle jumping. One of the extraordinary moments suggestions is ‘The seven seas’ and I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to catch a picture of her to create our own personalised book. Unfortunately it was a bit cold for a Pirate hat but it’s definitely a picture I now want to capture at some point.


extraordinary moments

Ava loved our Forest visit and even had a sneaky nap in the sling on James.  She woke up just in time for some splashing in the puddles and playing in some huts we found in a clearing.

The best part was being able to share the experience with her again by showing her the storybook I created with one of the photos.

Ava enjoys books and I think sharing a love of reading with them from a young age is so important. She was super excited to see herself on the video and wanted to see and hear us read it to her again. I love that the storybook is a moment captured and turned into something special we can keep and look back on.

There are lots of simple ideas with the extraordinary moments you can use to create a storybook. I can’t decide between the ‘First Sell-Out Gig’ or the ‘Mission to the moon’ to create next. Take a look for yourself and have a go. I would love to hear about which one you chose to do first and how you got on.

1 Comment

Sarah says:

What a great idea, something that everyone can easily do. We love to read with our little ones, every night they have a bed time story before bed.

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