As our kids get older, it becomes harder and harder to find things that we all want to do, especially if there is an age gap involved. When they are little, they love doing everything that you do. You are their hero, they want to copy you, and love trying new things. You can easily spend afternoons colouring, or playing pretend together. Then, when they get a little bit older, you get a lovely period of being able to do fun things, like going to the cinema or ice skating together. Then, they get older still and suddenly they want nothing to do with you.
You might find that your older children spend most of their time in their bedrooms or out with their friends. They don’t want to go out with you or play with you at home. To be fair, you and your partner might also be guilty of sitting on your phone or computer for hours at a time. It can easily start to feel like your once close family has nothing in common. But, you can have again. Finding hobbies that you can all try together is a fantastic way to bond and build a real connection that will last. Below is a look at some fab hobbies that you could all try together, no matter how old your children are.
Martial Arts
Martial arts like Judo or Karate can be a brilliant choice. There are classes for complete beginners of all ages and even classes that you could all take together. It’ll keep you fit, get you moving and out of the house. It gives you something in common and it helps your children to stay active, away from the temptation of all those lovely screens. You might need to learn how to tie a karate belt and buy some kit, but apart from that you are all ready to start.
Hiking is a wonderful hobby, especially if you have access to the countryside. It keeps you fit and healthy, gets you out into the fresh air and gives you all a chance to chat and catch up away from other distractions. If the kids don’t fancy hiking on its own, why not try photography, scavenger hunting or forestry skills.
Not all family hobbies have to take you outside of the house. Do you remember when your kids were young and loved nothing more than baking cookies and cupcakes with you? Well, most of them still would given the opportunity. If they are passed the cupcake stage, why not try learning more advanced skills together? You could learn to cook a meal or to make celebration cakes together. This gives you quality time together, and can also help your children to develop a healthy relationship with food and knowledge of healthy eating and ingredients.
Some of the best habits to try as a family are things that you don’t have experience of yourself or that you haven’t done for a long time, instead of things that you are very good at. Learn together, as a family. Give your kids the chance to see you learning and making mistakes. It’s good for your relationship and their confidence.
*Collaborative post