Looking at my Bucket list for February there are quite a few I need to carry forward to March! I did manage to do a few though.
Things for my blog
- Post another vlog. Done you can watch it here.
- Publish 2 of my drafts. I’ve got one all ready to go for Monday. Still got a few I need to finish and schedule.
- Sort out a logo. Still need to do this and no idea what to do for it.
- Sort out Facebook page. Done! I’ve got a competition running on it, please have a look.
Things for me
- Read 1 book and sort out my kindle.
Done, nearly finished my second. I’m currently reading Thornbirds it’s one of those books you don’t want to put down. - Try 1 new recipie a week baking or a meal. Done.
- Date night with James. Not done although we have had a few nice meals and watched a film, we haven’t got out of the house.
- Paint nails. I had some gel nails done and loved them. Back to plain now so I want to get them done again.
- Start exercising. Not done.
- Sell/donate tiny baby/newborn clothes. Still to do.
- Buy a big diary. Done and a notebook too which helps me keep more organised with my blogging
- Plan 1 fun/different outing with the boys. We went to the Space Centre in half term. It’s a great day out.
- Make 1 sensory thing for Ava. Not done but doing this week.
- 1 craft with the boys. Done a few and also some gross science.
- Focus on Kyle’s letter formation and Finlay writing his name. Done, but it’s something I want to carry on.
I’m quite pleased with what I have managed to do.
Here is my bucket list for March.
Things for my blog
- Post a weekly vlog update on Ava. She’s growing and changing so much at the moment.
- Sort out a logo, tidy up blog pages and get an about me in the sidebar.
- Increase followers across all social media platforms. Currently they are at Twitter 1,309, Facebook 0 (not going to be hard to beat), Instagram 417 , Blogolovin 24, Pinteretst 42, Can you tell which ones I neglect? If you fancy helping me out that would be great, I have link buttons on this page.
Things for me
- Try 1 new recipie a week baking or a meal and blog it.
- Date night with James. Out of the house!
- Start a beauty regime. Baby wipes and leaving my make up on is doing nothing for my skin.
- Start exercising. Anything will do!
- Sell/donate tiny baby/newborn clothes.
- Book our Summer holiday to Devon.
- Meet up with friends that haven’t met Ava yet.
- I’ve started meal planning (again) and so far so good. I want to stick to it.
- Try to plan in some me time. With breastfeeding Ava I don’t even go to the shops on my own.
- Make 1 sensory thing for Ava.
- Focus on Kyle’s letter formation and Finlay writing his name and number recognition.
What’s on your Bucket list for March?