Just Eilidh

Siblings May – Half sibling relationships

Watching the bond that has formed between baby girl and her big brothers melts my heart. One of my fears in having her was that the boys would feel pushed out. The fact that she was mine and James’ baby, would it make a difference to them? Would they still love her the same as if she was a whole not half sister? Would it even matter to them?

Talking to Kyle the other day he was asking about his other sister (his Dads baby) and saying she was his step sister. I had to explain what a half sister was and he got so upset when he realised he was Ava’s half brother. As the tears were streaming down his face I tried to explain to him that being a brother is so much more than sharing the same parents. It’s about loving your sibling, helping them, protecting them, playing with them, caring about them.

It’s about giving her cuddles and making her giggle. It’s being amazed at her new developing skills. It’s worrying about her when she is upset and crying. It’s wanting to play with her and helping her with her toys. It’s about being excited to see her when you have been apart. It’s about wanting to protect her from harm. It’s all these things and more.

Ava loves them all, she giggles at them and smiles and tries to join in. They are her biggest entertainment and once she can move I’m sure will follow them around with awe. She is so lucky to have three big brothers who love her and will look out for her.

My three babies are amazing, when they are together I look at them and wonder how I made something so precious.


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