
Talking About Intimate Health with Canesten®- Giveaway

Are there certain types of conversations that make you cringe? I know there are a few for me. I try to be pretty open and honest with my children but I’m pretty sure there will be a few toe curling conversations in the future. Ava at 2 is still too young to ask many questions but Kyle has always been very inquisitive. He knows he can come and ask us anything and that we will always try and answer him, or find the answer if we don’t know. When I was pregnant with Ava he wouldn’t accept a simple explanation of how the baby got in and out of my tummy. We were a bit baffled at how to go about answering him, he was almost seven at the time. We decided on the proper terminology, science side. He took it all in then got a bit bored with it all and stopped asking. 

Intimate conversations with Canesten®

He’s zooming towards the tween years at the moment. He told me the other day about the lessons they have been having at School, ‘the gross ones Mummy’ so I made sure I sat and listened to what he had to say. I want him and the other two to know that it’s okay to talk about body changes, how they’re feeling and anything that may be worrying or upsetting them.

Whilst I will be having conversations with him, no doubt very soon, they will maybe be a little different to the ones I will have with my daughter. Obviously their different body parts will play a big role in the future conversations. When I think about the future talks I will have with Ava the obvious ones like puberty, periods, sex and relationships come straight to my mind. I hadn’t really thought about talking to her about problems that might occur like thrush, cystitis and BV. I’m hoping she will be able talk to me about any problems without finding it too embarrassing to actually tell me. Canesten® know the importance of normalising conversation about intimate health and common intimate conditions, between mothers and their daughters. Promoting female intimate health through better knowledge means women can self-diagnose and self-treat knowledgeably and with confidence, which is what I want for her.

I can remember puberty being a time where I really wasn’t sure what was normal and what wasn’t. I tended to worry about things myself rather than asking. I’m still like that a bit now and as a worrier it’s something I don’t want for my children. I was lucky that my first experience of cystitis wasn’t until I was older. Not so lucky however that it was so bad I needed antibiotics, which unfortunately seems to be the norm for me if I ever get it. The last time I had it was after driving to Devon and not stopping when I needed the toilet. It’s always a good excuse now to make James take a break though as I think he felt a bit guilty! Cystitis is easier to talk about for some reason than thrush, which luckily I’ve only ever had once, mildly, when taking some strong antibiotics which is a common side effect. Knowing the signs and symptoms means I can self treat, or get help to treat the problem in the early stages. 

Win with Canesten®

Today I’ve teamed up with Canesten® to offer one of my readers the chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher. Canesten® want to encourage us to have conversations with our daughters about their intimate health and are asking you the question;

What I wish I knew about intimate health when I was younger

Enter via the Rafflecopter form below where full terms and conditions can be found. Good luck!



Disclosure: This post has been supported by Canesten® but all thoughts are my own.


EssexKate says:

My 5 year has cystitis this week which has spread to a kidney infection. Thankfully the antibiotics have kicked in and she is getting better now.
I was brought up by my Dad so I didn’t really have someone to talk to about all the female stuff, not someone who had experienced it anyway.

Anthony Harrington says:

I wish I had not been too afraid to ask my parents questions instead of relying on “advice” from my friends, who it turns out were as clueless as me!

laura banks says:

not to be so embarrassed and ask questions

melanie stirling says:

I wish I had known about most things but my mum wasn’t comfortable talking about intimate health.

Tracy Nixon says:

That it was ok to talk to my mam or teacher without feeling ashamed or embarassed

emma walters says:

i wish i had someone to openly talk to and ask questions

Tracey Peach says:

Actually I think Mum & School covered it all for me

Stephanie Coals says:

That there really is no shame in asking my mum or any other female relative for advice or help instead of trying to find out through friends who didn’t really know what they were talking about either!

mama syder says:

Not to feel embarrassed and talk more to my mum about sexual health.

Tee Simpson says:

Its ok to ask questions no matter how silly

Solange says:

Not to be embarrassed or scared to talk about it.

Jo Hutchinson says:

Its ok to ask for more advice.

clair downham says:

that everyone has the same problemns

abigail edkins says:

I wish I knew that discharge was completely normal for most people. I used to feel so embarrassed and worried until I was eventually told by friends they they got it too sometimes

Lynsey Buchanan says:

I wish I knew that it is very important to gain knowledge about intimate health and that it is a natural body change that happens to all girls so completely normal. I remember feeling embarrassed to talk about these things and feeling awkward.

Vyki Sparkes says:

I have a teenager and she has always been too embarrassed to talk to me about intimate health, despite me being very open. I bought her a book in the end so at least she would have a reputable source of information. I wish she knew it’s ok to talk about these things and hopefully as she grows older she will start to feel more comfortable about it. I did teach her from an early age to always wipe front to back 😉

joanna butler-savage says:

don’t be embarrassed -my mum was such a prude!

Jade Hewlett says:

I wish I knew that it shouldn’t be embarrassing to talk about and everyone is having the same problems

carole n says:

i wish i knew that it was ok to be like everyone else and their problems

Amy J says:

I wish I hadn’t been embarrassed to ask my parents questions


That these issues can affect anyone at anytime , and its a natural part of being human

iain maciver says:

not to be embarrased

Alice O'Neill says:

I wish I’d had the Internet when I was younger so I could research anything that was worrying me !

Annabel Greaves says:

I wish I had asked more about it rather than been too embarrased

Sue McCarthy says:

My mum gave this this little booklet about periods when I was young. I remember being so embarrassed and scared asking her to buy me a bra for the first time.

Fiona says:

That tampax are easy to use and you can use them from being a teenager! Changed my life switching from horrible massive pads!

Mary Heald says:

That it was alright to talk about it!

Rebecca says:

I wish the internet existed back then to save from feeling too embarrased to ask questions!

stuart hargreaves says:

I would have stopped playing football much sooner than 46

Lindsay Seels says:

Not to be embarrassed about asking questions or advice, instead of worrying and feeling alone.

Karen Barrett says:

I am that old the subject wasn’t even covered at school! My Mum did explain one or two things, usually because
she had noticed rather than me asking. It is the role of parents in my opinion to explain and guide their
children, there are so many more educational and information resources out there to help. Thank you

laura stewart says:

i wish google was invented lol

Sidrah Ahmed says:

I dont have to be embarrassed and that i can talk to someone

S Edwards says:

Never be embarrassed about ask questions

Alana Walker says:

I wish I’d know that it was common for women to have intimate problems, and not to worry about visiting the doctors because they’ve seen it all before.

Doreen Brady says:

I wish that I could have known there was nothing to be embarrassed about and that I could have talked to my parents about it. Also I wish I could have just googled the info that I needed!

Lucy says:

That it’s okay to talk about these things!

Alica says:

I was very lucky and had a Mum I could talk to about anything, I am now the same with my children 🙂

Catherine Whetton says:

I hope that my daughter will be able to talk to me about any ring

Ann-Marie Gould says:

I wish i felt able to ask what was normal and what wasn’t but i was too embarrassed

Rena Plumridge says:

I wish I knew about period, sex and relationships but my parents never told me anything I was left to get on with it.

Vicki D says:

I was lucky that I went to an all girls school so our sex ed classes focused on topics such as intimate health which pretty much covered everything we needed to know

Alice Dixon says:

To not be embarrassed, and that everyone is so different, so everything is normal, I was always to embarrassed to talk to my parents about these things

Debbie Gilbert says:

Never be afraid to talk about it – break the taboo

Polly says:

Not to be embarrassed to ask about things.

Marc Chivers says:

That it’s ok to talk about it

Justine Hughes says:

Not to be too embarrassed to talk about it.

Sharon Worsley says:

Wish I had realised it is not taboo to discuss intimate issues! Went through too many of my early teenage years being able to talk about my worries regarding puberty and changes

Joanne Darnell says:

That thrush can last for years

Amelia Kennedy says:

I had a book given to me by my mum about periods, sex, etc. at 13. I don’t know why she couldn’t actually talk to me a few years earlier, but it was many years ago I suppose …

terri kelly says:

that there’s nothing to be embarrassed about

Fiona King says:

I wish I had known I could have talked to my mum about anything without her judging me, but I was too embarrassed so it was not until I was much older that I was able to be open and she was most helpful and a great listener

Lyndsey says:

not to be embarrased to speak to someone about it

rebecca h says:

I wish I knew that everything is normal and not to be afraid to talk to a doctor or nurse!

Soph H says:

I would have liked to have been told anything really, wasn’t something we ever discussed

Rachael G says:

That everyone else had the same worries and concerns that I did.

Danielle Rawlings says:

thats its a normal thing to happen

Amy PJ says:

I wish I’d known that tampons are easy to use and so much cleaner than using pads!

Penny H says:

I wish I’d been able to talk to my mum about anything but she was from a generation that simply did not talk about things.

Sinead ORourke says:

Not to be scared about it.

Fozia Akhtar says:

Everyone is different

Maggie Coates says:

I cannot really think of anything to say that has not already been mentioned above.

MM says:

That there is nothing wrong in talking about it, and your not unique

Lani Nash says:

I wish I knew what was normal and what wasn’t

Becky Duffy says:

I wish I asked questions so I knew That everyone was going through the same as me

Emily Clark says:

I would have liked to have been less embarassed. I hated discussing anything like that!

lyn burgess says:

That friends were usually as uninformed as I was, and it would have been much better to talk to mom.

Zoe C says:

that it was ok to ask questions and not be embarassed

emily downes says:

That I didnt need to feel embarrassed about asking a simple normal question!

Lynsey Harvey says:

I wish I had of known how common thrush was and what caused it etc

Graham Ross says:

not to be so embarrassed and ask questions

Elizabeth says:

There isn’t something I wish I’d known as I found it all out, but I only found it out because one of the other girls at school wrote my name and address on one of those little forms for the Tampax booklet. Otherwise my extremely religious parents never would have told me. It was quite a shock when that parcel arrived in the post.

Heather Bowie says:

That it doesn’t mean you’re dirty if you get thrush or other infections

Hekna says:

I wish I’d had the confidence to talk about intimate health with my family and friends at a much younger age.

Emily Knight says:

I wish I knew that it was ok to talk about it – it felt like a taboo subject!

Ellen Sheppard says:

I wish I had known to ask more questions. I suffered with thrush for ages because I didn’t know what it was or who to ask about it.

Catherine Stewart says:

Don’t be afraid to speak to doctors if you have any concerns- you know your own body better than anyone!

Mary Campbell says:

That no question, big or small, trivial or serious, is too embarrassing to discuss with other people

Sheena Batey says:

That everyone has doubts about there body and you are never alone.

Michelle Carlin says:

These things were taboo when I was young. I’m glad my kids feel that they can talk to me about everything.

Janice says:

I wish I had discussed it more with my friends at an earlier age

Emma Gibson says:

To not be ashamed to talk openly about it.

Susan Hoggett says:

I wish I hadn’t felt embarrassed and alone with what I was feeling.

Keshia Esgate says:

That everyone asks questions at some point, its normal!

Abigail Cullen says:

Not to be embarrassed and just ask questions, as that’s what parents are there for partly.

Suzie W says:

Most people have had the same problems as you!

Rebecca Lis says:

I wish i would have known what thrush was, how to treat it and that it is very common and nothing to be embarrassed about!

sharon martin says:

my mum didn’t talk about this kind of thing so everything & anything would have been a bonus, so its made me determined to make sure my kids don’t feel like they can’t as questions

Lori Darling says:

That it was ok to talk about problems

Allan Fullarton says:

Not to be embarrassed to talk about things.

Kara W says:

It’s not embarrassing to ask or show interest if you want to know more.

Hannah Wallington says:

I wish I knew that I didn’t need to be embarrassed and that these hints are OK to talk about.

Farhana says:

I wish I had learnt it all without embarrassment from my mum.

Heather Hibbert says:

That everyone is different, your normal might not be their normal

Christina Curtis says:

I wish I knew more about periods before mine arrived at 12! I was horrified and felt so weird – I wish everything was easier to talk about and that it wasn’t seen to be a bad topic of conversation.

Laura Jeffs says:

I was lucky enough to have very open parents, so there were no taboos in our household.

Hali Kinson says:

I was lucky I learnt things early

Mel Turner says:

To not feel embarrassed

sarah birkett says:

its better to talk about it than ignore it. talking can take 5 mins, ignoring can last forever


i wish I’d known about thrush, I spent too long suffering without feeling like I could talk about it.

Michaela Jennings says:

Not to be embarrassed about asking questions and things like thrush and cystitis are nothing to be ashamed of

Joanna Ford says:

Not to feel embarrassed about it

Tracey Belcher says:

I wish I had known that it was ok to even talk about it!

Kayleigh Devlin says:

Sex can lead to cystist

Kayleigh Watkins says:

My mum has always been an amazing listener so I was very lucky, and I hope when my two girls are older they can talk to me about anything xxx

hayley pemberton says:

that it will change over time and it will be ok

hannah wood says:

To ask my questions at a more earlier stage

kimberley grant says:

To speak about it more openly.

Robert Dittrich says:

I wish I knew anything about intimate matters, my parents never talked about such things.

jamie Millard says:

that it was ok to talk about it and ask questions, nothing to be embarrassed about

Donna W says:

I wish I’d known how important condoms are in protecting against the HPV virus. And I also wish I’d not been so uncomfortable about having a smear test as they are so important. I had a horrible cervical cancer scare a couple of years ago and needed invasive treatment as I’d not had one for 12 years!

MichelleD says:

To not be embarrassed and talk more

Jane Adair says:

I wish that my Mum hadn’t been embarrassed to talk to me and then I wouldn’t have been so naive when I started dating boys

sandy Ralph says:

i wish it hadnt been quite a bad thing to talk about when i was younger i found out about periods from my best friend, parents just didnt talk about things like that when i was younger


I was very lucky and could ask my mum anything

Ashleigh Allan says:

Not to be embarrassed

Hazel Scourfield says:

To keep pushing when you know somethings not right! And to not be embarrassed listing all the symptoms if you have to see a doctor. I’ve had doctors who wouldn’t listen but now I’ve done my research, stood my ground and found the right doctor the problems finally being sorted!

My mum was amazing I’ve never been ashamed to ask anything

Nickie says:

I wish I’d had more access to information – it was hard to ask someone and/or look it up in a book – the internet makes this so much easier

Caroline Cordery says:

I wish I’d known what to expect about periods and what was normal.

Emily Hutchinson says:

Just not to feel embarrassed about anything

Anni Large says:

That it shouldn’t be a taboo and that it’s okay to talk about it.

Sheri Darby says:

That we all have the same worries

Lynda Jones says:

That Doctors have seen it all before, and not to be afraid to go to them if you have an intimate problem. I used to worry so much when I had any thing wrong down there !!!! thinking I had some terrible disease. If I had been taught not to be embarrassed it would have saved me so much anguish.

Susan Trubey says:

I can’t think of anything.

Sarah Austin says:

To not be embarrassed about it and that its normal to have questions

Carole E says:

I wish I had known more about periods and tampons

Jane Middleton says:

Wish I’d known where to go for anonymous advice

Ashley Phillips says:

That it’s ok to talk about it.My 7 year old has been brought up like this and i’m so glad she is able to talk to me and not suffer in silence

Jodie A Green says:

I wish id known that the embarrassment from asking questions wasn’t necessary – everyone goes through it!!

Keri Jones says:

I wish I knew that washing with soap was not a good idea! Also washing and peeing after sex will help stop UTI’s and other things x

Alison Johnson says:

Anything really, my mum never discussed it with me so I sort of figured it out as I went along.

alice lightning says:

dont be afraid or embarrassed about health issues talk to family who you are close to get any help you may need

DawnLouise says:

I wish I had known more about how my body worked and how messing about with fake hormones would cause unnecessary issues in my adult health 🙁

Heather Haigh says:

That it’s nothing to be embarrased about.

Kim Lam says:

That nothing intimate should ever embarrass you

Laura Asplin says:

I wish school had covered it more so it didn’t feel like such a taboo subject

Lisa Rhodes says:

don’t be scared to ask for advice, everyone has these issues at some point

olivia kirby says:

It happens to everyone and to just ask what you don’t understand

Elizabeth Cooke says:

I wish I’d researched more about an intimate health issues as there are so many products or medicine out there to help

Marrian says:

That it’s OK to talk about and not embarrassing.

Danielle Pooley says:

Not to be embarrassed to talk about it

Sarah Parker says:

I wish I knew about how the cycle worked

Emma G says:

It is normal, nothing to be shy about.

Julie Howarth says:

That it was ok to ask anything you’re not sure about and don’t be embarrassed

Helen Grayson says:

That there were people you could talk to outside of family/friends!

Gillian Holmes says:

not to be so embarrassed and ask questions

Ellen Stafford says:

That it isn’t embarrassing to talk about it.

jessica cook says:

that it should be spoken about openly and not seen as a taboo subject and something to be embarrassed about

Tracey Noble says:

That it was ok to talk to my mum without feeling ashamed or embarassed.

sue rushworth says:

why i never used to brush my teeth when young i will never know

Patricia Avery says:

Anything and everything. I knew nothing!

Katy Malkin says:

That I can get free confidential advice anywhere

leanne weir says:

i wish i had someone to ask those questions to

Juanita Powers says:

No one should be embarrassed and should ask questions as people will help and answer for you.

Samantha R says:

I wish I’d known that it really isn’t something to be embarrassed about and it’s okay to talk about it.

A S,Edinburgh says:

I was always quite confident about it, I wish I’d known how difficult some people find to talk about, so that I could have reached out to them more.

Leanne Bell says:

I wish that I was told not to be embarrassed and that we all experience the same issues.

Adrian Bold says:

Not to be embarrassed with body changes and to ask questions.

Stewart Biddle says:

Not didnt know a great deal as a kid and being a bigger shy lad never asked questions about it

Jane Green says:

I actually feel I was very well informed about intimate health and had a good education in the matter, I suppose I wish that others were not embarrassed to discuss it.

Susan B says:

School covered everything well so I knew roughly what to expect. However, I wish we’d had better personal products available.

ReeJ says:

To not be embarrassed to ask questions; we all experience the same things at some point.

Mary Baldwin says:

I wish that I knew a mid-cycle discharge was not unusual and was in fact completely normal and nothing to worry about.

Emma Ferguson says:

I found out more from magazines

AnnaS says:

Not to be embarrassed to ask parents.

astrid c says:

nothing to be embarresed about!!x

Victoria Prince says:

I wish I knew more about periods. I knew about them and I knew what they were but I still thought my life had ended when I started!

Bev says:

That everyone else has the same worries and questions.

Francesca Harrod says:

One thing – TALK!!

Beccy Rowley says:

Not to be embarrassed to talk to someone about it.

Pat Stubbs says:

Wish I had known to look out for thrush and get early treatment!

Katie says:

That heavy, painful periods are not normal and can be a sign of a problem and the pill may only make it worse. Also, some people have real difficulties getting pregnant even when young… I did!

janine atkin says:

that thrush isnt something to be embarrassed about

sue mcdermott says:

not to be afraid of asking questions

Laura Pritchard says:

That intense itching round your upper thighs is probably thrush, not an STD.

Kim Neville says:

I felt self-conscious when I was at school talking about personal things

jo liddement says:

My mum told me everything i needed to know and i was also given a book all about puberty,periods,etc which helped a lot.

Samantha Bolter says:

I had parents who were young parents in the 60’s so never really got embarrassed about talking openly about sensitive subjects so I grew up with the same principles, it’s not embarrassing if it’s a natural occurrence or part of everyday life, my children are very open with their questions on sex, puberty and have friends that come to them for support rather than them go to their parents, there’s something to be said for flower power I guess! :0)

Hannah Igoe says:

My mum felt quite open but I wish it wasn’t such a taboo thing and that people didn’t make me feel embarrassed to talk about it!

Alison Macdonald says:

Wish I knew more about most things! I was very shy and my mum was very similar x

Naomi Williams says:

Can’t think of anything really, we had talks at school about womens health and books to read. Mum was a very good source of advice too

Jordan McCoy says:

Great post and competition

Kristy Brown says:

I wish I had known that different soaps could have a massive impact on me!

Pauline Dring says:

I wish i had known that I could buy Canesten by picking it up from the supermarket shelf. I bought it in a chemist and the man was difficult to talk to.

Romana Richards says:

I wish I could have talked more to my mother about it as I just felt itchy due to tight jeans and man made fibres in underwear and I was too embarrassed. I just suffered in silence.

claire woods says:

To go to the doctor if things aren’t right and don’t leave it.

Rich Tyler says:

Not to listen to school gossip/rumors

Judith Allen says:

My mum found it all very embarrassing, all I got about periods was a packet of sanitary towels and was told that I might be needing these soon. And off she went. I didn’t mind, didn’t want to talk about it with her anyway. I hope my daughter didn’t find me quite so hopeless.

Kelly Hirst says:

I wish I’d known that it is ok up talk to your parents about intimate health

Victoria Allum says:

How certain products such as soap can upset the PH balance of your intimate areas. Nowadays there are so many more natural products and information out there.

Jules Eley says:

I wish i knew that its ok to talk about your body.


My mother had me late in life, an only child (as she herself was) she had ery Victorian views on life & I could never talk to her about such things.

Kath Amis says:

I wish I’d been able to talk to someone who wasn’t judgemental.

Anita says:

I should have known it was natural to talk about it and not to feel so awkward about asking questions that I was confused about

Sandra Jo Siddall says:

I wish I had the courage when I was 12 to talk about intimate health especially for all the questions I had about periods and boobs!

I wish I had access to the internet, I lived with my dad and never felt like I could have a minute alone with my mum when I did see her, I remember having my first period, I was at my nan’s house and my sister started clapping and dancing around like it was the best thing ever where as I was sat there not knowing what on earth to do! Luckily my dad would buy me lady things and always asked me to let him know if I needed more or different ones.

Maria Hackett says:

I wish i wasn’t too Embarrassed to ask questions instead of relying on google.

LoobyLee says:

Wish I’d known more about ke gel exercises

Fiona Timms says:

not to be too frightened to ask questions

Sheila Reeves says:

I wish I’d known I could go and talk to a pharmacist in confidence and not had to wait until thrush got so bad I needed to go to the doctors

Lindsey Kent says:

That it’s ok to ask questions – also that cranberry juice is a saviour!

Caroline Signey says:

I wish I knew that everyone has these problems at one time or another

Alisa Moore says:

Wish I’d known not to feel embarassed about talking about such things

nicky pearce says:

i wish we had google then

Heather Brannan says:

I wish I had known it was ok to challenge my doctor and not just be fobbed off. When I was young i just accepted things and this led to my problem taking years to diagnose.

I wish I knew it wasn’t as such a taboo subject that I had built it up to be and that I could have spoken to my mum rather than guess and worry! x

John Ettery says:

That it’s ok to ask anything you’re not sure about and don’t be embarrassed It’s your Mom you are talking to and she won’t emarrass you or make you feel bad about what you are asking. In fact sh’ell be glad you had the sense to ask in the first place

George Wright says:

Medical professionals have seen & heard it all before so don’t be embarrassed!

Angela Treadway says:

That you don’t have to wash with harsh soap’s down there, as it cleans itself lol x

Angela Kelly says:

Not necessarily what I wish I knew, but I wish I hadn’t had gyne problems as a small child. The examinations made it difficult to move into the more adult gyne realm and not be afraid.

Jessica Hutton says:

That you are no different to any other girl so don’t be embarrassed. XX

Bryan Murphy says:

Not to be embarrassed asking my doctor

Erica Price says:

Wish my mum had told me more about the realities of life.

Ben Atkinson says:

I really wish I could speak openly to my parents more when I was younger because that’s something I want to cherish with my children in the future that they can speak to me about anything.

Meryl Thomas says:

Do not be embraced by any question you ask

Stephanie Crimes says:

I wish I had been brave enough to leave embarrassment at the door and find out the answers from those who actually knew!

Emma Rawlinson says:

That it was ok if I didn’t develop as quickly as some of my friends, and not to be worried about being left behind

DEBORAH Jayne says:

I wish i’d have been more informed

Emma Walton says:

I wish I’d known if there were more options regarding periods and sanitary wear. My Mum bought me a pack of Dr Whites and a belt. It felt like I was wearing a huge wad of cotton wool! (very uncomfortable).

Hayley Colburn says:

That all women are in the same boat, intimate issues are nothing to be embarrased about

angela sandhu says:

I wish i had been told not to be embarrassed to go to the doctor.

Tracy Hanley says:

I was embarassed to talk about things but do wished i had asked more questions

kayleigh white says:

I wish it wasn’t such a taboo subject, its as if it shouldn’t be talked about but it should be spoken about freely with no embarassments!

Hazel Rea says:

I wish I had known/believed that to a doctor all health problems are the same and nothing to be embarrassed about.

Amy Lambert says:

everyone is going through the same thing so theres no need to be embarassed!

Sarah hanson says:

Listen to advice form other girls / women and don’t be afraid to ask questions

Tamsin Dean says:

listen more to the advice I was given

Jamie Edwards says:

That you have to ask questions or you’ll never know!

Claire Hal says:

That it’s nothing to be embarrassed about!!!

ben robb says:

not to be embarassed about natural things

Lindsey Clark says:

That its okay to ask questions about the intimate stuff!

Neha Chauhan says:

I wish I had more chance to talk with my mum regarding personal matters openly

Jayne Townson says:

I wish I’d known that it was a dirty subject and their was no shame in talking about these things.

Michelle Wild says:

I wish I had been less embarassed about everything really.

Monika Bascombe says:

I wish I was more opened about intimate health with my mum or health professionals

Chantel L says:

Almost everything! It wasn’t really talked about properly at all and I was too shy to ask questions.

Tasha says:

I wish I knew that it’s alright to talk to others about personal problems

Jane Gorton says:

Everything. School covered sex issues but Mum didnt want to talk about it and I was shy to ask questions

tammy westrup says:

I wish I knew the changes were all normal and had someone to talk more openly about it all to.

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