Just Eilidh

When is colic something more? Signs of reflux

Your baby is screaming, crying, something is wrong and you don’t know what to do. You’ve tried everything to soothe them and still they continue getting louder and louder and you are probably crying yourself now too. What do you do if this becomes your every day, not just for an hour a day but hours every day, all day, after every feed, every car journey, you begin to fear your baby crying and don’t want to go out? This has happened to me with more than one baby so I know what it is like, how the screams cut through you and you just want to make everything better, but you can’t. The words colic are given to you, you try all the tips, every baby is different and so you try them all and still nothing works. When is colic something more? 

Reflux and silent reflux can be a total mystery, Doctors and other health professionals can just brush it off with normal baby discomfort and label it colic. If you try all the tips at the bottom of the post and nothing is working, your baby seems in pain and is severely distressed then go back to the Doctors.

Write a list of symptoms so you don’t forget them all, chances are your baby will either be asleep peacefully making you look like a total liar, or in a state, in turn either will make you forget everything you wanted to say. My main advice would be to film when your baby is at their worst, if you don’t want to do it, get someone else to whilst you are comforting them. I know how hard it is to explain the severity, but the video will show it. 

Some of the things we experienced were;

We tried everything with Ava but I knew it was reflux having expereinced it with Finlay before. She ended up being diagnosed with GERD and was under a pediatrician who prescribed her Lansoprazole which is an acid suppressant. It didn’t completely solve all the issues but it definitely improved them.

Ava also has a dairy allergy and soya intolerance she had more but thankfully seems to be getting better with them. Allergies often come hand in hand with reflux and sometimes CMPA (cows milk protein allergy) can be mistaken for reflux so you need to see a health professional rather than self diagnosing.

There is light at the end of the tunnel though and if you are reading this right in the depths of reflux or colic, I know how hard it is and it seems like the crying will never end. It will, quite often as they get bigger and spend more time upright it naturally improves.

With trial and error we found things that would help soothe her sometimes. For us a sling was a lifesaver, she was close for comfort and upright which helped, we found a structured carrier (we have a Tula) was better than a wrap as it put less pressure on her stomach.

I asked some other bloggers what tips they have to help soothe a colicky or reflux baby. 

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post.



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