Getting fit again is something that I have wanted to do for a long time. I’ve looked in to lots of different options and decided that home based will be the best for me. I also need something that I have to commit to otherwise I will probably make excuses to not do it.
After looking in to all the programmes available I settled on the P90 by BeachBody. James has the P90X and I have tried the yoga, but the rest look a bit too extreme for me at the moment. I would do them and they would put me off which I don’t want. The P90 is a gradual fitness programme that isn’t as intense. My plan is to complete this and to feel more confident in my fitness to then maybe go on to one of the more extreme fitness programmes.
I’ve taken my before measurements and before pictures and am going to use them for encouragement. I’m really lucky in that I don’t need to loose weight. I’m not sure how as when I was breast feeding Finlay I put on weight and really struggled to loose it. This time I haven’t put any on. I think maybe because I have had to cut out all dairy and soya so I don’t snack as much or eat as many treats. Because of this I’m not going to diet but am going to make sure I up my water intake, up my protein intake and eat healthily.
My aims are;
- To tone up
- Increase fitness
- Feel better about myself
Every week I’m going to do a little post on how I am doing and feeling, some of the meals I am eating and snacks I am making. I may even post the photo’s when I feel brave enough.
I would love to know if you have done any of the P90 programmes?