
Make Your Own Chocolate Pizza Kit – Giveaway

I seem to have a few hard people to buy for this Christmas. James and my Dad are notoriously difficult and now it seems so is my seven year old. It’s a bit of an inbetweeny age isn’t it? Well if you are struggling like I am, check out Find Me A Gift, they have loads of unique present ideas. I was able to find one really quickly that I knew Finlay would love. A Make Your Own Chocolate Pizza Kit. I only wish I could have kept it for Christmas instead of reviewing it.

make your own chocolate pizza kit

One thing Finlay loves is chocolate! A couple of years ago he asked for a chocolate coin maker and it was pretty rubbish, much to his disappointment and my frustration! So he was rather excited when I showed him what we were going to be making on Sunday afternoon. The chocolate pizza isn’t pizza with chocolate on, that would be a bit gross. It’s chocolate and sweets shaped and styled as a pizza.

Make Your Own Chocolate Pizza Kit

Making the chocolate pizza was easy and the best bit, stress free. I like baking until I’m actually doing it and with the kids involved it’s usually chaos. This was actually a nice experience to share together.

We melted the chocolate buttons to make our chocolate pizza base pouring them into the tin provided and then dropped in the jelly beans and rainbow drops (smarties). 

To finish we sprinkled the white chocolate curls on top, a bit like grated cheese.

Finlay was so excited he put a timer on my phone waiting for the 20 minutes till we could slice it. Then he did it again for the next 15 minutes before it was set enough for him to have a slice. 

Unfortunately I can’t tell you myself how nice it tasted as I went to get a slice earlier to have with a coffee and it had all gone! The boys however say it is delicious and have put another one on their Christmas list!

Enter below to win one Chocolate Pizza Making Kit. Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



Kayleigh Watkins says:

I would give this to my 13 year old son, I’d have to order a 2nd one for my five year old daughter too, the baby is only 8 months so she could have a little try of their chocolate xXx

Jo Glasspool says:

I’d love this for my 2 kids. They love pizza and chocolate, mixing the two would be ace!

paula cheadle says:

I would give this to my 14 yr old granddaughter

Sharon H says:

My daughter, I’m sure she’d love it !

Solange says:

My kids. They would love it.

charlotte says:

we would do it as a family and have some family time!

Margaret Clarkson says:

My daughter, she loves both chocolate and pizza and would adore this!

Margaret Gallagher says:

My 3 nephews they’ll have loads of fun

Lynsey Buchanan says:

My daughter would love the Chocolate Pizza Making Kit

Angie McDonald says:

It would be for my best friend! We both love Pizza and Chocolate!

renae says:

My two daughters would love this, we would do it together

Angela Treadway says:

me and my sons would make it together x

Ruth Harwood says:

my daughter would have hours of fun xx

holly harmsworth says:

my son! He would really love this

iain maciver says:

perfect for my niece and nepohew

jo liddement says:

My son would enjoy making this chocolate pizza and then sharing it around the family.

Sue McCarthy says:

For myself – so much different to my normal cooking!

Abigail Cullen says:

My partner and I would both try it, as we have a sweet tooth. πŸ™‚

maria blythin says:

it would be for my daughter jeorgia x she would love it

Clara B says:

I’d give it my niece and nephew

fiona waterworth says:

My grandaughter Jessica

Kevin Honey says:

My granddaughters

Lyla says:

My nephews

Corinne Henson says:

My boys they would love this

jules eley says:

This would be for my girls

Paula Phillips says:

My children would love this.

This would be for my nephew

Michelle smith says:

My daughter would like this.

Lynne Manton says:

My daughter would love it!

amy bondoc says:

it wouldd be for my daughter πŸ™‚

stuart hargreaves says:

for us the kids would enjoy as well as me

Graham Ross says:

My daughter would really love this Chocolate Pizza Making Kit

helen tovell says:

My daughter

Libby Noack says:

I would love to give the Chocolate Pizza Kit to my children πŸ™‚

Lorraine Stone says:

Quite like it for myself! But would give it to my little nephew.

alison fisher says:

me! ha the kids wouldnt get their grubby mitts near it lol

Andi Gurney says:

My 2 children

Ren Taylor says:

My son would love this….thanks for the chance

kayleigh white says:

I would give it to my teenage nephew – he would absolutely love to do this!

Sheena Batey says:

My great niece would love it for Christmas.

Andrea Fletcher says:

My granddaughter would love this.

Lesley Walsh says:

My niece-in-law

leanne weir says:

My kids. They would love it.

Fiona Martin says:

This would definitely be for my children – they’d absolutely love it!

Lisa Parker says:

I would give to my daughter so her and her friends could get creative x

Ray Becker says:

Our niece

Sarah Forster says:

Not gonna lie I’d probably make it and consume it myself!

Jo Hutchinson says:

I would love to give the Chocolate Pizza Kit to me!

Kat Allinson says:

I would give it to my 3 children to make together

C Philip says:

It would be for my kids but based on past experience I expect I would make it and they would eat it!

Helen Garner says:

I would give this to my son.

Rebecca Mercer says:

My kids would love this

Jade Hewlett says:

I would give it to my grandad (and I’d hope he shared!)

Kim Neville says:

My kids would enjoy making

Hayley Colburn says:

I have 3 children so they could make it togeter and share it

Sarah Cogman says:

My son (and me!) πŸ™‚

Claire Appleton says:

I would let my two children make it together and share it. Id deffo have to have a little taste though πŸ™‚

Kirsty Webb says:

Would give this to my friend for her 6 and 11 year olds to make

Violet Phillippo says:

My younger brother would love this, and I’d love to do it with him!

Lorraine Rivers says:

My sons would love this

ashleigh allan says:

For my kids!

Rachel Craig says:


michelle o'neill says:

my grandaughter x

Kev Cannon says:

It would be for me and my son to enjoy

Elizabeth Smith says:

The kids (with me testing everything for quality control!)

rebecca austin says:

My daughter would enjoy this so much, great giveaway

tracy sinclair says:

It would be for my Granddaughter, she would enjoy doing this x

Diana says:

For my daughters, they would love it so much πŸ™‚

Laura Pritchard says:

Officially for my 6 year old but mostly for me!

Carole Nott says:

i would keep it for myself and share the result

jessica cook says:

id love to make this with my son Alfie xxx

Sarah Austin says:

To my god daughter!

Sarah Heath says:

My son, his two favourite things are chocolate and pizza

ruby spiteri says:

I would love to win for my daughter

Lisa Wilkinson says:

I’d do it with my daughter

Sam Parkes says:

My daughter who would absolutely love this

A.E. ADKINS says:

I’d give it to Santa, he knows who would like this!

Victoria Prince says:

I’d love to keep it for myself, am I allowed to do that? I would share the end product though!

Rich Tyler says:

I’d give it to my little boy πŸ™‚

Sarah KNIGHTLEY says:

This would be for my 2 children who are aged 10 and 3, it would be a great activity to do with them!

Allan Fullarton says:

I would give it to my son.


I would give the chocolate pizza kit to my nephew even though i’d love to try it myself.


Would be for youngest grandson, he’s always in the kitchen with his dad baking so he would enjoy this

Jo Hutchings says:

It would be for my little boy. He’d really love it.

becci cleary says:

Myself and my Daughter Hallie-Anne to make some yummy chocolate pizza for our Christmas Eve movie session πŸ™‚

Jane Willis says:

It would be for my grandchildren to share with their Mummy and Daddy – when we have them during the school holidays they could make it with me and then take it home to share

Adrian Bold says:

I would love to win this for my nephew.

EJ Dunn says:

It would be for my little sister

Laura Avery says:

I think my middle son would love this one, always creating things yummy!

Lynn Neal says:

My lovely grandchildren would enjoy this!

Sarah Wilson says:

For my sons.

Clare Hubbard says:

My sons and I

Kelly Hirst says:

If I won this I’d gift it to my best friend who loves chocolate and pizza!

Julie says:

This would be all for me!

Fiona jk42 says:

We are having friends visiting us over Christmas, 3 generations of 2 families which will mean we will be 21 people in all. We’ve decided to do a secret Santa so we don’t all go broke, and my husband has drawn our friends’ 19 year old son, who we haven’t seen since our daughter’s wedding 5 years ago. This would be perfect for him as we have no idea what he likes nowadays.


My grandchildren

Tammy Neal says:

I’d love to win for my niece xx

Debbie Johnson says:

Definitely my granddaughter as she loves creating wether it be cookies, cupcakes or her own real pizza topping

sara wilson says:

My 15 year old son has asked for food for Christmas, he just loves any kind of food but combining his fav pizza and chocolate would be amazing for him

Kirsteen Mackay says:

My sister would love this.

My son and daughter would love it!

Tee Simpson says:

Id give it to my kids

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