Two weeks left of the holidays and I don’t want to jinx it, but this year has definitely seemed easier than last summer. We’ve had some lovely days together and it’s bliss not having to stick to a routine. I’m not looking forward to having to be ready by 8ish in the mornings, as getting out for lunchtime currently seems a struggle. We spent a few days in Devon and the weather was, as it has been all summer holidays, pretty unpredictable. We did however make it to the beach a couple of days. One visit was with my coat on! We put a tent up in James’ mum’s garden and I actually slept really well in it! James still is not a fan of camping though.
I’ve actually been reading, yes you read that right. I downloaded ‘Behind Closed Doors‘ whilst we were away and finished it in 3 nights. I couldn’t put it down and even sneaked off to the tent early to have a reading session. If you like psychological thrillers it’s really good. I couldn’t wait to find out what was going to happen.
We watched the ‘Kingsman: The Secret Service’ a couple of nights ago and it was laugh out loud funny. It has a different uncensored ending to the one James has previously seen on a plane. We will hopefully (I can’t remember the last time we went to the cinema together) watch the sequel when it is out soon.
The Beatles! We’ve been watching a programme called ‘Beat Bugs’ on Netflix and it’s based around The Beatles songs, performed by current artists. It’s a really lovely programme and is one of all of our favourites at the moment. We all sit and watch it together. Ava is now trying to sing along to the songs so we have been playing her favourites in the car.
I can’t think of anything for this one! The boys are desperate to bake brownies before the end of the holidays so I need to make sure we do that.
My new YELLOW handbag. I’ve had a little argument with James over the colour of my new bag. I think it’s a mustardy yellow and he thinks it’s orange. I’ve asked on Instagram and Facebook and everyone agrees with me, although someone did say it was peach?! James still think’s he is right though!
And Lastly ….
James turns 40 a week tomorrow and I don’t have a present for him. He bought himself a nice new watch and we are going away, which he payed for. The other things he wants are a new pair of sunglasses (which he also bought himself, last week), a 4k TV (not happening) and a Tesla (definitely not happening). So I’m really stuck. Any ideas?