
Living Arrows #2

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“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows, are sent forth’”  

Kahlil Gibran

Living in a blended family can be complicated and beautiful. Sometimes we have days at the weekend where it is just us and Ava, if the boys are at their Dads and James’ boy has stayed with us during the week instead. Ava is the only child we have together and occasionally it’s nice to spend that quality time, just us, without the complexities that sometimes come with a blended family. We make sure not to treat any of them any differently and try to spend time with them all separately. I think the individual time becomes even more important in a larger family.

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Ava is growing and changing everyday at the moment. She is fearless yet sensitive, cuddly yet fiercely independent. 

She will always be our beautiful, baby girl!

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Living Arrows


Love this post, being a blended family must be really hard at times and also very rewarding but can imagine it’s a constant give and take and good on you guys for doing the best you can and trying to make each child feel valued. Beautiful times with your daughter as well. 🙂

Beautiful photos and gorgeous smile X #livingarrows

RachelSwirl says:

loving the spotty dress!

Donna says:

Wow, she looks so grown up in that first photo. I grew up in a blended family and so I know what it can be like – I had many weekends feeling like an only child x

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