Just Eilidh

Pick n Mix Linky 9/9/2016

Pick 'N' Mix fridays blog linkyPick 'N' Mix fridays blog linky

I’m back at work now and the boys are back at school so some kind of normality has resumed. Hopefully those of you with children have all had a good start to the new school year! 

Welcome to the linky #PickNMix is run by myself and The Lovely Stevie at . Any post on any theme is welcome, old or new.

You can grab to code for our linky badge at the bottom of the post, if you need any help just shout, we are both nice.

We also now have a special badge for those of you who get chosen each week as mine or Stevie’s favourite post for the week. If you have been chosen as a favourite post before, or are in the future, then feel free to display this badge on your site. 

My favourite post from last week was A year ago today …. Surgery by Topsy Turbey Tribe. I had goosebumps reading this and I love how they totally changed their lives after, go and have a read. 
For the full guidelines on the linky have a read here.
Link up, make sure you comment on the post before yours and use the #Picknmix.


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