I didn’t manage to do my week last week, it’s been a bit full on here. So this post includes my last two weeks.

1. Mothers Day. 2. Pizza Hut with my big boy. 3. Nando’s with James and Ava. 4. My gorgeous flip flops.
Sunday is Mother’s Day. I spend a lovely day with the boys. I have a lie in, dinner cooked for me and generally looked after.
Monday I spend some rare one on one time with Kyle. We go to pizza hut for a treat for getting a Head Teachers award.
Tuesday is our last day with James before he goes away for just over a week. We go for lunch to Nando’s and spend a really nice day together.
Wednesday I take James to the train station so he can get to Gatwick for his flight to America. I go shopping at a big Primark with Ava and get loads of Summer clothes for her and the boys and some gorgeous flip flops for me. I can’t wait to wear them.
1. Ava enjoying her food. 2. Kyle sleeping in his hat from James. 3. Mummy and baby selfie. 4. Finlay on the go-kart.
Thursday we spend at home. Ava is loving her food, she is especially enjoying carrot and sweet potato in this picture. Kyle has a friend over after school and falls asleep with a hat on his head that James has given him, think he is missing him already.
Friday is a good day. I meet friends at a play area and get to have cuddles with my friends new baby girl. Cont…
When we get back after lunch it’s such a warm beautiful day that we go to the park. It’s the first time Ava goes in a swing, she quite likes it.
Saturday is a weird day as the boys are at their Dads for the weekend so it’s just me and Ava. I meet up with my Mum and Dad for a drink in a beautiful Country pub and finish the day with a glass of wine and a curry.
1. First time in the garden. 2. Bathtime. 3. Enjoying her Bumbo tray. 4. Waiting to see the Paediatrician.
Sunday is another beautiful day. Ava goes in the garden for the first time and watches me hang up the washing. I meet a friend for a drink in the village pub garden and then collect Finlay from his Dads. Kyle is watching a rugby match so it’s just the two little ones to bath and get to bed before he gets back.
Monday I meet a friend for a coffee/coke in the morning and pick up a Bumbo tray which Ava approves of. We have an appointment at the hospital later on with the allergy specialist paediatrician. He thinks she is Ige reacting to the things she is allergic too, so we will be getting blood and skin prick tests done around her first Birthday.
Tuesday I start to feel more ill. Ive had a cold for a few days but it starts to bother me today. We go to an Easter service at the village Church with Kyle’s School. I then manage to lock us out of the house on the way to pick Kyle up after his pottery club. I only have my wallet and a packet of wipes on me. No bag, no phone! After sheltering in the village pub, village shop, borrowing phones, a leaked nappy and a 4 year old having a toilet accident we finally get back in the house an hour and a half later.
Wednesday I take Ava to her swimming lesson and my Mum and Dad help out and take the boys to theirs after School. We have had a plumber in on and off for the last couple of weeks and he is in and out the house all day today. Finlay and Kyle have a bunny bounce at School. Finlay is the record holder with 194 jumps in 2 minutes, he even does more than his big brother!
1. So pleased to have Daddy home. 2. Bouncy. 3. Swinging like a monkey. 4. I like this bouncy thing!
Thursday James is home, so pleased to have him back. Ava and the boys are too.
Friday I take Finlay to play at a local Gymnastics centre, he loves it. Ava has a little bounce on the trampoline. She screams the whole way there and the whole way back in the car. As soon as I pick her up she falls asleep. Little madam! Kyle has been baking at School and is really proud of his creations.
Saturday I’m still feeling really rubbish and have spent a lot of the night awake with a cough. We spend the day at home playing board games and playing. In the evening we cook a nice dinner and light the candles, have a glass of wine and a cuddle.