Sunday is a quiet day at home with James and Ava. We have a cooked breakfast and cuddle on the sofa watching episodes of Suits and. I’ve really missed the boys this weekend so it’s nice to pick them up.
Back to School on Monday. James leaves early for work so it’s just me getting everyone and everything ready for the first day back. I take Finlay to McDonalds as a treat for lunch after pre school. Kyle has a club after School on a Monday so we have a longer afternoon before having to rush to School pick up.
I get Ava weighed Tuesday she is now 14lb exactly and following her line just above the 25th centile. I’ve moved the boys swimming day from today to a Wednesday as Kyle is doing a few weeks of pottery after school.
‘ve moved Ava’s swimming lessons to a different pool and so Wednesday is her first one there. I’m not sure how cold it’s going to be as we were going to a hydrotherapy pool. She seems fine in her wetsuit though. I have to go to the doctors about the rash on one leg and lump on the other from her injections last week. She will have to have her next lot under obs in-case she reacts even worse.
Thursday is a quiet day after rushing about all week. It’s nice to spend some time at home with Ava and then the boys after School. We read and play games and I bake some brownies.
I meet with some of Finlay’s friends and the Mums on Friday morning at a play area. Finlay is full of cold and grumpy all afternoon. Kyle has football after school and we watch a movie together before they go to bed. I cook a delicious risotto for James and I and we have a nice glass of wine.
Ava decides to roll over for the first time on Saturday. She’s not too sure about it! Ethan is here this weekend so the house is full of boys and noise. James takes them all off to the driving range for a bit and I get some peace with Ava. Once the boys are in bed we spend the evening watching Banshee. If you haven’t watched it, I recommend it.