If you’ve been following our story you will know that Baby girl suffers from silent reflux and because of this can sometimes be hard to calm. If you are a parent you will know that you will give anything a try to help calm them. Baby calming techniques we have tried and used are;
- A sling: this works really well as she is upright and close
- Cuddles
- Pacing up and down
- Skin to skin
- Dummy: she’s not that keen
- White noise
Having already used white noise with some success I was excited to be sent the new Gro-hush to try. The Gro-hush is the newest product from the Gro Company. I’m already a huge fan of Gro products having used the Grobags in the past and love, love, love the Gro-clock, so much that it travels with us.
A bit about the product The Gro-hush is a unique portable white noise baby calmer. It transmits soothing ‘white noise’ directly to your baby which allows your baby to be soothed and calmed without disturbing others around you so only your baby will hear the calming tones and not others, keeping them relaxed and happy. Fantastic for use at home as part of your calming routine, or when out and about or travelling. A choice of three soothing white noise sounds to choose from, heart-beat, ocean waves or rain falling on a tin roof, which are all set at a safe volume.
Features include:
- Requires 3 AAA batteries
- Includes a high quality protective travel case
- Automatically switches off after 10 minutes
- Volume is preset to save sound levels and cannot be changed
- Cushion is covered in soft 100% jersey cotton
- Cushion cover is washable
- Weighs 107 grams (with batteries)
- Suitable for use from birth
- The Gro-hush RRP is £34.99, you can purchase it here.
The Gro-hush arrived in a little box and was easy to assemble. You will need 3AAA batteries, which aren’t included, and a screwdriver to put them in. Once the batteries are in you just press and hold one of the three buttons and then press to select a sound. The white noise then plays for 10 minutes and automatically turns off.
From birth we have been using an app on our mobiles that plays white noise and she seems to respond best to the heartbeat. The fact that Baby girl was already used to white noise I think helped, however she was initially a bit startled by the fact we were holding something against her ear. She soon settled though and I was amazed when it helped to calm her. We have been using this product for a while now and it definitely works the best for us when she is grizzly and tired, rather than in full melt down mode. It also works as a sleep prolonger and has settled her back to sleep when she might have otherwise stirred. I like taking it out with us in its little case as it helps when she is overwhelmed or overstimulated. You can cuddle her and then place the Gro-hush over the other ear and it blocks out all the sounds.
I discovered yesterday that it also helps in the car. Baby girl can be a nightmare in the car and especially when its dark. I found that putting the Gro-hush in the car seat near her ear helped to calm her. Its something that I will definitely try again.
Another benefit of the Gro-hush it that because it is set at a safe volume and you hold it against their ear or near to their ear. It means that you can use it and still be able to hear other things. When you are using mobile apps, the volume you have to put it to, to have any affect means that its all you can hear. After reading about a recent study into the affects of Wifi and mobiles on babies and very young children, I feel that the Gro-hush is a safer option.
Some advice from the Gro website on how best to use the Gro-hush
It is most effetcive when used form birth as part of your calming routine
The Gro-hush has three different soothing white noise sounds as different babies prefer different sounds. You can try the different sounds to see which your baby responds to best.
White noise has been consistently proven to calm and soothe babies, but the Gro-hush might not necessarily work immediately, every time or 1st time for your baby. Make sure you try using the Gro-hush more than once, try using the Gro-hush for a few minutes – if they are crying very loudly it might take a little while for them to hear the white noise, and try the different sounds to work out if your baby has a favourite.
White noise can be most effective when used initially on young babies. We recommend to try and use the Gro-hush from newborn.
I think that the Gro-hush is another great product from the Gro Company. It is something that I will recommend and have recommended to friends. It’s worth having in your Baby calming tool-kit.
You can purchase the Gro-hush and other Gro products here.
Disclaimer: We were sent this product to review, however all thoughts and opinions are my own.