Just Eilidh

The New Teletubbies Magazine Review

I’ve been coerced by grumpy toddlers in a shop to buy magazines before and I’ve usually been disappointed with them when we get them home. Hpwever the new Teletubbies Magazine had me impressed straight away as I knew Ava would love the Laa-Laa bedtime set that was included. 

Teletubbies has been popular in our house for years with all 3 of the children enjoying it at some point. It’s currently Ava’s turn, although the boys at 5 and 9 will happily ‘watch it with her’. I much prefer the newer version that’s now on TV, the Tiddlytubbies are so cute.

I was right, the whole magazine was a hit with her. I didn’t know how she would react as she has never had a magazine before and at just 2 I thought she might be a bit young, but she straight away recognised it was the “Tubbies” which I missed on camera of course. She spent a while looking at it, kissing the pictures and then wanted the toy set from the front.

I made a little video of Ava exploring the Teletubbies Magazine.  

Ava spent ages playing with Laa-Laa, putting her in the bed and covering her up then saying “night night”. The set is great quality and not what I would expect from a magazine toy. I’ve only ever had upset boys before when the toy breaks after a few plays. I know this will last and I’m pretty sure Ava will continue to play with it judging by how much she already has. 

Ava also enjoyed the colouring, stickers and the story. The little pictures of the characters meant it was engaging enough to keep her sitting to listen to it. She was a bit young for some of the other activities in there although she enjoyed looking at all the pages and trying to count and talk about the colours.

Finlay (5) has been off School recovering from a sickness bug and he did all the things in the magazine that Ava couldn’t like the the tracing of a line and the counting. He enjoyed putting a sticker on each completed page and made the spinner for us all to have a Tubby Dance (surprisingly I didn’t film that bit, sorry). 

Overall I was impressed with the quality and content of the magazine and it’s made me re think my view on them. At £2.99 the Teletubbies magazine is definitely something I would buy for Ava. It would be ideal for those times when you need to keep them entertained like at a restaurant or so you can have a coffee in peace.  

Disclosure: We were sent the Teletubbies Magazine for the purpose of this review, however all thoughts and opinions are my own. 

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