There are some things in life that I now get really excited by that I never, ever would have thought that I would. Things like a coffee in peace or a night in watching a film and I can now add Trolley Bags to this last. Since the bag tax has come into effect here in England I keep trying to remember my reusable bags and always forget, then moan and grumble at paying out for them again. I’ve also recently started shopping at Aldi to try and cut down our outgoings. A few times I have arrived at the checkout slightly smug that the shop has gone so well with a very unpredictable toddler, to be greeted by the manic food slinging through the conveyor belt that happens when you get to the till. Even if you arrive at that point calm, there is no way you finish in the same state. I then have to pull everything out of the trolley again and pack it into my annoyingly newly purchased bags.
I no longer have to do this and it is all thanks to the totally genius invention that is Trolley Bags. They are a system of 4 different sized bags that fit in to your trolley. You can get them in 2 different sizes, original for deeper trolleys or express for shallow trolleys. I opted for the original in pastel. You can also get them in bright vibe colours.
Whilst shopping in both Aldi and Tesco I straight away set the Trolley Bags in to my trolley opening them up. I placed my food items and other items in to the different bags as I went around the shop, keeping similar items together. When at the till I emptied a bag at a time on to the conveyor belt meaning that even in Aldi they came through in some order that I could quickly place them back into the correct bags. I then easily separated the bags and placed them in my car. One tip I will give is not to place too many heavy items into the largest bag unless you are bigger and stronger than me as I struggled to lift it out of the trolley the first time I used them. The next time I used the bags I distributed the heavier items between the two larger bags and it was much easier. If you look on the Packing Sorted website, they recommend different ways of using the bags depending on how you shop. This is just the way that I find works for me.
When using the bags I have had lots of people stop me and ask me where they are from and commenting on what a good idea they are. I like them so much that I don’t forget to take them with me and so I’m being more environmentally friendly as I don’t keep having to get new reusable bags at the checkout. Trolley Bags also save me time and stress so they are definitely a product that I would recommend.
I have teamed up with Packing Sorted to offer a set of Trolley bags RRP £17.99 in your choice of either bright vibe or pastel colour and original or express size. You can enter via the Gleam form below. Good luck!
A set of Trolley Bags in your choice of colour and size
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Waitrose 🙂
i shop at Asda but my fav is waitrose xx
I love Sainsbury ‘s
Which is your favourite supermarket? . . . . . WAITROSE
sainsburys thankyou
I like Sainsbury’s, they do a lot more vegetarian things than the other shops.
morrisons at the moment – but I go to the place I am nearest usually, so can be aldi or lidl..
Like Lidl x
Has to be Waitrose!
we usually go to asda
sainsburys just because its near
Marks and spencer or Tescos!
Marks and spencers and Tescos!
Aldi. I work there too.
the COOP is my favourite
Aldi – bargains and good products xx
Has to be Aldi not only for the food but for the other items as well
I am afraid i’m a bit biased in saying Tesco as I work for them. But I do shop at Aldi as well! xx
I have seen these bags all over the internet lately and wondered if they were any good, so I was pleased to see your post this week. They look fab and a time saver, which I love. x #picnmix
We usually shop at Aldi/Lidl for the main bulk shop and then Tesco for the bits and bobs we can’t get in Aldi/Lidl!
Helen x
These. Are. Amazing!!! My trolley is normally full up with reusable bags because I’m so afraid I’m not going to have enough!
I normally shop around and go where things are cheapest but I mainly go to Asda.
Tesco #picknmix
These are such a fab idea! I do all my shopping at Aldi so it would be great to avoid having to get everything back out of the trolley to pack after paying. x #picknmix
Amazing idea! The first time I went to aldi I couldn’t believe how quickly everything went through the checkout. .I had no idea what was going on!These look amazing x #picknmix
Asda 🙂
I keep seeing these around and I too get a little excited by them. They look like such a good idea and a time saver. We often do home delivery, but when we don’t, we do self scan, so these would be perfect.
I’ll keep my fingers crossed!
Sally @ Life Loving
mine is tesco these look fab xx
i work at heron foods so I tend to get the bargains from their and do a top up shop at aldi. With 2 children and a hubby to fed saving money is awesome! x
I always shop in Aldi or Lidl so am use to bringing along my own bags, but i have recently seen several people use these trolley bags and I now need them in my life too. #picknmix
Wow this is such a great idea! I too have started to shop at Aldi and always have a bit of a panic at the till when they start throwing food at me. I have all good intentions with my keeper bags, but end up throwing everything anywhere in the end. Love the idea of packing up similar foods as you shop too. #picknmix
I love Tesco
Sainsburys xx
I love morrisons
I’ve seen someone with these and had trolley envy! I shop at Aldi but like everyone else hate the panic pack at the tills …..
These look great! I too get excited over things like this! #picknmix xx
My favourite is Tesco
Don’t really have one I just go where ever is nearest for what I need
To be honest I don’t have a favourite, I like to compare them all and go where the value for money is at that time.
These look so handy especially for Aldi – that checkout really is crazy isn’t it?!
Stevie xx
This is a great idea! I love that they are different colour too so you can organise your shopping into the or recut bags. #picnmix
Morrisons for my weekly shop these would make it so much easier love how they just sit in the trolley -great idea and I’d love to try them
i work for Asda so i tend to do most of my shopping there
I use them all! Probably Tesco the most. This is a fab idea.
Aldi because it’s nice and cheap, thanks for the lovely giveaway.
My favourite supermarket is Aldi. I can’t get everything I need there but they offer good quality goods and the prices are very reasonable.
M&S and Aldi. Have to say, I’m not really understanding the Waitrose love.
Waitrose is my favourite supermarket for range but Aldi is my favourite for price.
waitrose of course
Aldi, great products and the prices are amazing
Aldi – Just so much cheaper than the others.
Normally at Asda.
Asda, I find the prices reasonable, the produce fresh and staff friendly.
We switch supermarkets regularly to see what each one has so I have no real brand loyalty, currently shopping at tesco
I go to Tesco the most as nearest
I don’t have one favourite – my favourite is where ever the best offers on the things I want to buy are! Though the two I use the most are Tesco and ASDA.
Aldi offers excellent quality at great prices so I regularly shop there.
I love our local Audi but they don’t have everything I need so I supplement with Waitrose.
Well it is Tesco’s at the minute but it changes monthly
I haven’t really got a favourite. Mostly shop at Asda but I just follow the bargains and shop at them all. 🙂
I love Waitrose
Aldi – my money seems to go so much further x
Sainsbury’s given the choice.