Sustainable living, green living, the slow and simple lifestyle, whatever you prefer to call it, has been a growing movement for a few years now. I fully jumped on board a while ago and I’ve not looked back.
A year of not buying fast fashion under my belt, yes that would be a second hand belt, and a new appreciation for growing and eating my own veg are probably my biggest green achievements of 2019!
I’m enjoying our families journey to a more green lifestyle and have pulled together a list of ideas that you can do this year to help make the planet a better place.
Don’t feel overwhelmed, even doing one item from this sustainable resolutions list will help! Pick one or two changes you haven’t made yet and see the benefits!
Want to know just how to start making little changes that can all add up to a big difference. Then Join ‘Make The Change’ Sign up for our 6 week email e-course and for your invitation to our closed, supportive Facebook group.
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