Just Eilidh

9 month update

As I write this post, baby girl has turned 10 months old. So this is a retrospective post on her 9th month.

At 9 months old Ava is a smiley happy baby. She will give anyone and everyone a smile and loves to giggle. She loves singing and music and will stop in her tracks to pay attention and dance and join in. Everything has to go in the mouth and she knows exactly what she wants.

Ava is still crawling around everywhere and does a ‘super speedy’ crawl when she sees something that she really wants to get to. She also crawls on her feet when she is wearing a dress and it gets caught on her knees or when she doesn’t like the feeling of what she is crawling on.

In the last month she has got really good at pulling herself up to stand. She will stand with one hand holding on, or just by sightly leaning against something. She has on a couple of occasions let go and stood on her own for a few seconds, eek!

Ava says the sounds Mama and Dada although I’m not sure that she actually says them too us. She is constantly babbling and making noises.

She can play peekaboo and will hide herself which is very, very cute! We have a little video of her doing it on holiday.


Ava has got into a bit of a routine with her naps. She will go to sleep roughly 2 hours after getting up in the morning, usually around 9 and then again after lunch. She goes to sleep around 7 in the evening and wakes between 6-8. She is still waking in the night for milk which is annoying but we know it wont be for much longer.


Ava loves her food and will happily feed herself and try everything you give her. She is eating three meals and snacks and has milk first thing, mid afternoon, bedtime and in the night. Her current favourites are sweet potato with anything, blueberries and organix crisps.

Reflux and allergies

Ava is still on her lanzoprasole for her reflux and still has bad and good days with it. She still gets hiccups and still gets refluxy and in pain from it. Some night we have a bad night from it and even sometimes in the day you can hear her swallowing. Her allergies are still pretty much the same, as far as we know they are dairy, soya, egg, strawberry and banana. We have a list of foods that we can’t give her until she has her allergy tests which should be soon. We take piriton with us when we go to places just incase. It’s relatively easy at the moment as she only eats what we give her. We do have to be extra vigilant that she doesn’t pick up any food that has been left lying around when we are out.


When we went to Devon Ava had her first beach experience. We have a really good indoor beach near us but we wanted to wait and take her to a proper one. She loved the sand which we were surprised about as she doesn’t like the feeling of grass. The water was too cold really for her to go in so we dipped her toes in the sea which she wasn’t too keen on. Another day she splashed in one of the puddles on the sand that had been warmed by the sun.


Ava also had her first plane experience when we took her to Spain. They were both evening flights so she slept for most of them and luckily didn’t cry. She loved the beach again and we got her a paddling pool to play in,in the shade to keep her cool. She also came in the sea with us one day and thought the waves were funny.

At just over 9 months she weighed 17lb 8oz

Clothes size

She still fits into most of her 3-6 month clothes but can wear some 6-9 now too.

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