Ava has been prescribed Colief to hopefully help with her digestion. On reading the instructions I had a total meltdown at the thought of having to express at every feed.
I searched the internet for an easier way of doing it and came across an old thread which gave me an idea.
Here is how I do it.
You will need:
Something to express with or your hand
2 sterilised bottles
6 sterilised syringes 3 or 5ml
Sterilised storage box
1. Express. I use the medela swing and am expressing each morning at roughly the same time, between 9-11. You only need 1 ounce a day so don’t panic. I’m using the extra to build up a stock in the freezer.
2. Put 1 ounce into a sterilised bottle.
3. Using a syringe to get 2.5-3ml of milk.
4. Put the 2.5-3ml of milk into the other bottle.
5. Drop in 4 drops of colief and give it a stir with the syringe.
6. Suck back up the milk and place syringe into the sterilised container. Tip, tilt the bottle so the milk collects in one place to suck back up.
7. Repeat for the rest of the doses.
You should now have a tub full of the 6 doses you will need for the next 24 hours.
You can keep this in the fridge and can also take what you need out with you in another sterilised container. Breast milk can be kept at room temperature for up to 6 hours. If you are going to be out for longer than this, keep them in a cool bag.
8. To prepare before a feed. Place the syringe into a sterilised bottle of boiling water. It only needs to be in for a short while. Remember to check the temperature by squeezing a tiny bit out before giving to your baby.
9. Before a feed slowly syringe the milk into your babies mouth. Ava will take this quite happily.
Tip: I have also given the syringe halfway through a feed when one wasn’t ready and she was starving!
I hope this helps 🙂