Ha I love this photo, reminds me so much of my eldest! We have videos of him kicking off and wailing over nothing when he was younger as blackmail for the future 😉 Stubborns not even the word for it, he’s slightly better now, just way more cheeky and told me the other day “I really DO NOT like you right now”… Stevie xx
God my girl is going through a right spate of these at the mo. It is a nightmare! Thanks so much for linking up to #wickedwednesdays I can’t wait to see what you have lined up for tomorrow! x
Aww! Just look at that face!
Haha, if it came with noise, you wouldn’t be saying that! x
Haha he is NOT happy. Time to run for cover mummy! x
I just sat and ignored him for a while, then left the room as he was too loud! x
Awww bless. Same age as mine and same look when throwing a tantrum =) #wickedwednesdays
It’s tough some days x
still looking super cute though 😉 #wickedwednesdays
Hmmm not sure about that 😉 x
Ha I love this photo, reminds me so much of my eldest! We have videos of him kicking off and wailing over nothing when he was younger as blackmail for the future 😉 Stubborns not even the word for it, he’s slightly better now, just way more cheeky and told me the other day “I really DO NOT like you right now”… Stevie xx
Haha that sounds like my 7 year old. He was a nightmare for them. x
Oh dear x
thanks 😉
Cute pic but I do feel your pain – I’ve had a week of these here!
He can be lovely, but when he’s on one, he’s a nightmare x
That face is like “is anyone still watching me tantrum”, my daughter does exactly the same face lol. #wicked-wednesday.
Yep, he carried it on for quite a while! x
God my girl is going through a right spate of these at the mo. It is a nightmare! Thanks so much for linking up to #wickedwednesdays I can’t wait to see what you have lined up for tomorrow! x
I thought I had finished with them, but no he’s still having them now :/