Here is the eighth in my birth story series. Real birth stories, from real Mums. If you enjoy this I will be posting a different story every Thursday so make sure to pop back each week for a new one. If you would like to share your story please contact me using any of my social media.
Thank you to the Mum who wrote this weeks story and congratulations on your gorgeous girl.
Ivy Anna-Rose’s Birth Story
At 38 weeks pregnant I decided I wanted a home birth. I had considered having one with my previous babies but hubby had never been that keen. But this time, due to child care issues and anxiety about going to hospital, I managed to convince him that it was the best option for me. The community midwife visited the house and brought my home birth kit the same week. She told me they don’t recommend a home birth as this was my 5th pregnancy and there was slightly higher risk of bleeding but it was my choice. I did agree to have the injection to speed up delivery of the placenta to reduce risk of bleeding.
I was one day over my due date when I went for a sweep at 12pm at my midwife appointment and had a bloody show straight away. Then me and hubby went to Morrisons for a few bits, where I started to have quite a few contractions as we were walking around.
I got home and was filling the dishwasher when my waters went at 2.15pm. It was just a trickle at first, then a few mins later a big gush. Really strong contractions started straight away. So I rang triage, who said they would send the midwife out straight away.
At this point, the kids were still at school so hubby rang the school and explained the situation and asked if they could get the kids together so he could go pick them up early and not have to leave me alone too long.Eight minutes later he was back and the kids were all excited. Immediately after, the midwife turned up at 2.40pm
I was coping with the contractions just sitting on my birthing ball, breathing through them and leaking fluid during each one, until 3.40pm when they got more intense.
At that point, I went on my knees leaning over the sofa, holding Hubby’s hand. I then started on gas and air at 4.05pm when I needed a little extra help to relax.
About 6 contractions later I started pushing. It took about 4 or 5 really strong pushes and she was born and passed straight to me, with both her big sisters and both her big brothers there to hear her first cry.
Ivy Anna-Rose weighed 8lbs 14oz at 4.22pm on Tues 7th Oct 2014.
I sat back and laid baby on my chest skin to skin with warm towels over her to regulate her breathing and keep her warm. Meanwhile the midwife gave me the injection for the placenta, so I delivered that 5 mins after the baby.
Then me, hubby and the kids went upstairs to have some snuggles and skin to skin with baby Ivy whilst the midwives cleaned up downstairs. During this time Ivy had her first feed.
It was an amazing experience and my home birth couldn’t have gone better.
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