
Education Quizzes – learning made fun

*This is a Collaborative post

I have a confession to make. I’m a teacher and yet I sometimes don’t know how to do my year 4 child’s homework. In my defence I teach either Foundation stage or Key stage 1, but it’s still a little embarrassing having to google a grammar term or a maths method. Quite often I find I do actually know how to do the homework. It’s just that the terminology has changed, or the method is different to how I was taught. I find myself worrying that I will confuse things for him. Which is something I often hear from parents as a teacher too.

Education is moving and changing so quickly at the moment and I want to be able to help support my children as much as I can. This is why I’m pleased to have come across Education Quizzes. Designed for all children to help them be successful at School. It’s learning, consolidating and revising in a fun and engaging way.

education quizzes

The quizzes are written by teachers (who teach that age range) and so are relevant and up to date. With children currently in KS1 and KS2 there are quizzes suitable for both of them across all areas of the curriculum. Not just the core subjects either. At some point in the future I will have three children across KS1, KS2 and GCSE, so Education Quizzes could become and invaluable resource for us at home.

Education Quizzes to the test

My 9 year old is not a fan of homework and so I thought the perfect test of Education Quizzes would be to see what he makes of them. When I show Kyle, he is instantly engaged as anything on the computer can’t possibly be boring. I decide to try out some of the English quizzes as this is his least favourite area. Kyle chooses alliteration and speeds through the quiz. He then rushes off to choose another one. It’s easy for us both to navigate and simple to use. Best of all is the boost in confidence I see in an area he sometimes struggles in.

The quiz also explains why the answer is correct or wrong furthering their understanding.

Both boys love nothing better than a competition so this can be used to my advantage with Education quizzes. Although they can’t both do exactly the same test they can do one in the same area for example, number and then compete against each other for the best score. They both like to ask me for times tables questions and maths questions and I don’t always have my hands free to do it with them. Now I can send them to choose a quiz to answer, which they are both keen to do. Finlay has been learning about bats and bugs this term so has also been enjoying the Nature Matters section.


Subscription is £9.95 a month which can be cancelled at any time. This gives you access to ALL of the areas. I think it’s great value, especially for a family like ours with varying ages. Education Quizzes have also recently released a Schools’ Subscription package. The more students a school signs up with, the cheaper the subscription, which can be as little as £2 a month per child. I know as a teacher this would be such a fab resource to have both in the classroom and for homework.

You can find out more details and subscribe to Education Quizzes here.

Alternatively, if you want to share this information with your child’s school, have a look here.

You can find Education Quizzes over on  Twitter and Facebook.


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