
Gratitude list #5

Every week I write a list of things that have made me happy, that I am grateful for. It helps me to appreciate the small things.


  1. Half term. I’ve spent a lovely week with the boys.

  2. Sun. Getting outside in the sun for two days was great. I can’t wait for the summer.

  3. My Kindle. I’ve Finally got back into reading. The current book I’m reading I don’t want to put down.

  4. Being able to go to the friends and family day at the gym James is a member of. We got to all go swimming together with Ava for the first time.

  5. Baby wetsuits. Meaning we could take Ava swimming and not have to worry so much about her getting cold.

  6. My Mum and Dad for spending time with us in the half term and having the boys for a sleepover.

  7. Friends. Being able to meet up for the day with all the kids. We need to do it more often.

  8. Cuddles with my boys and Ava. I’m sure this one features every week!

  9. Spending the morning in bed with James and a poorly Ava watching the TV series ‘Suits’. We used to do it on child free weekends and it was nice to get the chance to do it again.

  10. Seeing Snowdrops appearing and the evenings getting lighter.


p style=”text-align: center;”>I’m linking up with This Enchanted Pixie and


Tubbs says:

I do a monthly list. It helps with the keeping perspective thing!

MummyandMonkeys says:

yes it does, thanks x

Catherine says:

This is a lovely picture. I haven’t seen any snowdrops yet but found two crocuses in the garden today.


MummyandMonkeys says:

thanks, I love the start of Spring x

Great list! Sounds like lots of lovely things this week 🙂 i love seeing the snow drops – and there are even a few daffs almost ready to open too!

Thanks for linking up to #Thelist xx

MummyandMonkeys says:

Daffodils are one of my favourites x

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