
My Ultimate Bucket List

If money, children, jobs, mortgages, you get the idea, wasn’t an issue. What would be on your ultimate bucket list? Think of at least 10 and tag your friends. Add the badge and link up back here.

I tag;

A Cornish MumThe Smallest of ThingsQuite Frankly She Said, Bohemian Mummy, Life UnexpectedParker and Me, Beau is Blue, The Dad Network , Frazzled Beauty, Raising the Rings , Inside Martyn’s Thoughts 

I’m going to do an Ultimate Travel Bucket List next!

  1. Fly first class
  2. Fully own a home
  3. Go on a hot air balloon ride
  4. Sky dive
  5. Go tubing in Laos
  6. Visit Angkor What
  7. Live on a beach
  8. Send my children to a really good School
  9. Get married to James on a beach
  10. Take cookery lessons from a top Chef
  11. Go designer shopping in Milan
  12. Have a Romantic weekend break every month
  13. Swim with dolphins
  14. Go to New York
  15. Not work as a teacher
  16. Be a model again
  17. To be successful at something and know it
  18. My children to say I was a good Mum when they are grown up
  19. Spend a night in a tree house
  20. Go on Safari
  21. Go to a masquerade ball
  22. Take my children to Lapland
  23. Go diving
  24. Learn to ski or snowboard
  25. Take my children to Disney World
  26. Experience zero gravity
  27. Train to be a midwife
  28. Run a marathon
  29. Publish a book
  30. Feel great in a bikini again
  31. Help at an elephant orphanage in Sri Lanka
  32. Float in the Dead Sea
  33. See the Northern Lights
  34. Spend a night in a teepee
  35. Be in a film
  36. Watch Wimbledon in person
  37. Fly in a private jet
  38. Walk behind a waterfall
  39. Go to Coachella Festival
  40. Be a presenter on the old holiday programme
  41. Bungee jump
  42. Snorkel in Thailand (again)
  43. Have dinner at all of these restaurants 
  44. Have a dressing room full of shoes and handbags
  45. Holiday on a yacht
  46. Have a house with a gym and a swimming pool
  47. Own some nice jewellery
  48. Take a trip on a Gondola in Venice
  49. Go to a drive in movie
  50. Go skinny dipping!


The Ultimate Bucket List


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Lianne says:

Love this, I agree with the majority!! Id love to go to Coachella [if I was beautiful & skinny!!]

What a fab idea hun. I really love your list and I need to know more about your modelling. Why do you not have your picture in your sidebar?! Anyway I hope you achieve all of these amazing things. I might have to write one of these. Thanks so much for linking up to #TheList xx

What an amazing list and yes – tell us more about your modelling. Great idea and I really enjoyed linking up. Xxxx

A great idea of a meme and you have so many ideas in there I’d love to do too. Mich x

LadyNicci says:

I am going to steal this post, it’s great! We’re constantly having conversations, what would you do if you won the lotto and we don’t even play! One of my bucket list aims is to attend the Eurovision! #linkalist

Great bucket list. I would love to own my own home. Currently renting and it kills me paying someone else’s mortgage. Hope you achieve everything on your list.

Thanks for linking up #linkalist

What a super list! We often have the fantasy, ‘if we won the lotto’ chat, I veer on the sensible side with it, I do hope if it were to ever happen I’d be a little bit wreckless too lol!!

Chloe says:

Thank you so much for the tag! I’ll do mine this weekend. I love this list! 😀 xx

This is such a great idea for a tag!! I love reading things like this as you find out so much about a person! I want to know more about you being a model! xx

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