I’ve chosen two photo’s this week. Both are from the recent birth of my third child. My first girl and first baby with James.
After a traumatic few years with the discovery of my ex husbands affair, the subsequent breakdown of my marriage and becoming a single Mum to two boys. My life turned a corner when I met James. If you had told me a few years ago I would be with a man that I truely love and that loves me, I wouldn’t have believed you. Throw in a beautiful baby girl and I would have laughed.
Unfortunately we had a difficult pregnancy with horrible long lasting sickness, bleeds, severe SPD and threatened early labour at 32 weeks. The end of the pregnancy was also very stressful with lots of monitoring visits due to my lack of growth and reduced movements. After all this we just wanted her here safe. It ended with an emergency c section as on one of the monitoring visits she was showing signs of distress.
I love the look on my face, it’s a moment I will never forget. Having her placed safely in my arms and hearing her stop crying with the warmth and security of being with me.
James had also had a really tough few years going through similar to me and worse. I’m not religious, but I feel that she is a gift to us after enduring the hard times. Ava is such a lovely, smiley little girl that has already brought so much joy into our lives. She has made our little family closer and the boys adore her. Every day I look at her and feel so lucky that my life has turned out the way it has. She has helped heal us both. My Captured Moment.
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You’re right it is an emotional one! Hi Eilidah, so nice to come over to your blog after chatting on twitter. Thank you so much for sharing that photo, it’s simply beautiful. I am SO happy you have now found happiness and your little family is now completed by your daughter. I don’t talk about the reasons for my divorce on my blog but we have a lot in common! I know what you must have been through and how it can knock you off for feet for a long time. I applaud you for getting where you are today and ….James looks gorgeous! Hip hip hooray to you. Lots of love Tor xxx
Hi, thanks so much for your comment. I haven’t really spoken about it before on my blog, but it explains why James and Ava are so precious to me. It’s nice to know that other people understand. Oh and your right he is gorgeous 😉 x
Beautiful. The photos are just gorgeous, you look so happy and the one of the three of you is precious. Lovely, lovely post x #mycapturedmoment
Thanks so much Sara, yes it is a precious photo. X
Oh what a wonderful moment to have forever, I love it xx
Thank you 🙂 x
Such a lovely moment and words! Thanks for sharing #pocolo
This is such an emotive photograph and story. I’m sorry about your difficult past and I’m glad you’ve found happiness. Thanks for sharing x
Beautiful photo. You have given him the most amazing gift and I can see appreciation in his eyes =) #pocolo
Utterly, utterly beautiful. A similar thing happened to me and my relationship with my daughter’s father. I have never looked back since I met Ross and now we are trying for our fairytale ending. It is wonderful to see you got yours. Commenting from #MyCapturedMoment as well as saying thank you for linking to #PoCoLo x
So adorable & a lovely story too. Congratulations
Two perfect and magical captured moments. Isn’t it amazing how a picture can take you back to that moment with a single glance.. You’re story is a beautiful one, sounds like you and James have found each other at the right time and that you’re both now exactly where you should be. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful daughter.
Thank you so much for linking up to #MyCapturedMoment xx
Only you could look some glamorous still after an emergency c section! Love these photos and happy you’ve reached such a happy place! After a failed marriage, I’m also now with the man I was always meant to be with and boy has it made a difference to my life!x
Beautiful pictures and a beautiful happy ending!