Fathers Day is just around the corner and although I’m sure most Dads would agree it’s not all about gifts, it is nice to be able to give them something isn’t it? I don’t know about you, but I find it hard to buy for the males in my life sometimes. Maybe I’m just unlucky but my Dad and James always say they don’t need anything or what they do want is really expensive, like a new BMW. I’m not joking! I’ve made my Dad hampers before of all the things that he likes and they have gone down really well. Well at least I think they did, all the food got eaten! So I’m really pleased to have been sent a lovely hamper by Hampers of Happiness full of things that a Dad would like. I’m also running a giveaway for one reader to win a Fathers Day hamper of their own.
I discovered Hampers of Happiness on Twitter, it’s quite a new business run by the lovely Rhian who is more than happy to answer any questions you may have. She creates hampers for all different occasions and you can request bespoke ones too.
The Fathers day hamper arrived beautifully packaged with a basket brimming full of gifts.
Such a great selection that I’m sure would please most Dads. I know the boys thought it looked great, they would have loved to surprise him with it on Fathers Day, if I hadn’t have already shown him it, oops!
To enter to win a Fathers day Hampers of Happiness hamper worth £33 enter via the Rafflecopter form below.
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Very difficult to buy for, if he need something he buys it, so so difficult to find a gift
my dad is very very difficuly to buy for and i usually end up getting him days out
Yes, my dad is hard to buy for as he has everything!
My Dad is impossible, he is very fussy and as a consequence he rarely gets presents because it is generally a waste of money!
No. My dad is easily pleased and is very happy with the usual…socks, tie, aftershave etc.
My husband to buy for as I am not working so always feel whatever I buy he has paid for himself!!! My Dad on the otherhand is very easy, I just ask him and he gives me the name of an obscure book for me to track down!!!
My husband is not too difficult to buy for and my daughter and I usually find something he will like.
My daughter and I can usually find something to buy daddy and my daughter loves making him a card. It’s the simplest things in life that mean the most
the husband is yes he is very fussy
Yes they both are very difficult to buy for!
I used to find him hard to buy for by now I realise he is just as pleased with DVD boxsets as anything I would consider more thoughtful!
It would be fore my lovely hubby
My husband is quite difficult to buy for as he is quite picky
Dad is very hard to buy for – he has obscure hobbies
My husband has a habit of buying anything i think of for himself before I can buy it for him!
My Dad is hard to buy for because he does not drink or smoke (Good For Him) & he is diabetic! 🙂
My dad is really hard to buy for!
My husband is extremely hard to buy for
My dad isn’t too bad to buy for, he’s always grateful for new CDs or gig tickets, so I can always find something for him!
My dad is, though he thinks he’s really easy! His house is full of slippers & shirts. I’m thinking of buying him a chair he’s been eyeing for something different!
I think it’s a trait amongst British men particularly of the older generation – that probably goes back deep in their D.N.A. when they thought they were Lords and masters of all they surveyed – to accept gifts with any ounce of showing grace or enjoyment? 😉 The thing is – and I don’t know if it’s just my own partner or dad – but they are the worst for moaning if they don’t get what they want…and first to say if they’ve been forgotten.
My husband is quite hard to buy for, and since we’ve had our son I’ve struggled to get him presents from both of us!
Like you said in your blog, my dad always says he doesn’t need anything. He does like a single malt but he doesn’t drink very often so he has a cupboard full of the stuff, he never has time to go and spend vouchers so he gives them to my mum. He does fish but I have no clue what would be useful so unless he tells me, I don’t know what to get. It’s so frustrating!!
Hubby’s not too bad to buy for. Generally something useful or beer!
I find my husband fairly easy to buy for but my dad is a lot harder, he seems to have everything he needs already!
Yes. I’ve started to look for more personalised things now as i end up buying him sweets otherwise x
I find my dad so difficult to buy for, he always says not to bother as he doesn’t want anything …so he doesn’t even give me a clue as to what to get him x
My husband and dad are both hard to buy for
My dad is ridiculously hard to buy for!! Everything he wants he buys!!
My dad is harder to buy for. x
My husband is difficult to buy for I never really know what he would want (:
They are both difficult to buy for.
My husband is very easy to buy for but my dad is impossible. It seems like everything he wants he already has.
hes impossible truly
Im not stubborn i just dont need much…would rather the kids have more
My Dad’s not too bad these days. He enjoys an funny book about cricket or a good jigsaw, and a bag of mints!
most of the time he has mostly all the things he needs
My dad is a nightmare to buy for every year
I have difficulty buying for my fiance,as he don’t like people buying clothes for him
Yes! Both my fella and my dad are so hard to buy for….They are such hard work!
My kids dad doesn’t expect anything special – he is happy with something hand-made by the kids – which is so much more special!
oh yes totally agree!
My dad I find hard but the kids always come up with ideas for their dad
He is fairly hard to buy for, but is a big softie and appreciates any gesture made by the kids 🙂
Yes both my Dad and my husband are really hard to buy for normally the kids just buy him a token gesture
My husband is difficult to buy for because he’s got everything he wants 🙂
My Dad is 92 and is easy to buy for as he is a railway buff! Anything to do with stream railways and he is happy! This is a super giveaway and I would love to win to give my Dad a change from railway stuff!
My husband isn’t but my dad is – I do struggle 🙂
my dad is the worst to buy for!
my dad is super hard to buy for xxxx
I find it hard to buy for my Fiance , my step dad is easy as he loves everything 🙂
thia would be perfect for my dad, he is really hard to buy for x
My husband is hard to buy for. My dad is quite easy
I hate buying him a gift!
My dad is the WORST person to buy for!!! So difficult!! My fiance though is much easier to buy for! I’m not to sure which of them I would gift this to yet (my dad or my partner from the kids)
Yes definitely, my dad has always been hard to buy for!
My dad is hard to buy for, he’s very picky!
Yeah to be honest I find any bloke difficult to buy for x
he is appreciative of what he gets but is always very hard to buy for
my husband is quite difficult to buy for although think he would love this set!
both my dad and partner are hard to buy for.
He’s hard to buy for because he has expensive taste, particularly when it comes to clothes, but he’s easy to buy for when it comes to edible treats such as chocolates, sweets and cakes. He’s also partial to a nice mug.
I never know what to buy because it gets harder and harder, I think about socks then book wine tasting or something!
Very very difficult
Yes, very difficult to buy for 🙁
My Dad is hard to buy for because he never wants anything, and he’s trying to lose weight, so no food/booze gifts
No pretty easy – it’s my brother I struggle with!
My partner is not to bad there is normally something I know he wants and he loves homemade gifts from the children. My dad is a nightmare he never wants or needs anything and is so fussy.
My dad is the worst to buy for! I bought him a watch and he never wore it, bought him the entire boxset of only fools and horses & hes never even took them out of the box (this was Xmas 2014!) Haha so normally I stick to vouchers and giftcards x
My dad is so hard to buy for! One year I just got him money and a ‘jar of nothing’ 😉
This is the perfect gift for hubby who is hard to buy especially on a budget X
my dad is hard tobuy for because he as everything he already wants
yes definatly
Almost impossible
My partner is quite easy to buy for 🙂 he usually gets socks lol x
yes, very, I have an idea though, this year 🙂 I’m gonna buy him a watch xx
My dad is really hard to buy for, but my stepdad is very easy as long as it’s something he can eat he’s happy haha
My husband is really tricky to buy for. Just when I think I know the perfect present, I find he has bought it himself days before his birthday Christmas etc.
His only hobby is historical re enactments so hes hard to buy for
My partner is, I have no idea what to buy him this year from the kids
i cannot buy for myhub, hes so fussy!!!
Really hard to buy for! He only ever wants golf balls!
He is very difficult to buy for as he gets things whenever he needs them
I think all men are hard to buy for – they just buy themselves whatever they want!
I think my husband is hard to buy for. He is into so many things and usually if he wants something he will go out and get it :/
both are pretty easy to buy for as they always drop big hints near to birthdays and Christmas time
Father’s Day falls on my birthday this year and so I’m cancelling it ha ha!! My dad and husband are the same, I don’t need anything and that is not helpful. This hamper looks great, with lots in it x
My Dad is the awkwardest bloke going!!I never ever know what to get him.My fella though is a lot easier thankfully x #picknmix
This looks like a great hamper and the gifts look good quality too. I think we are going to opt for a family day out for Father’s day this year. Thank you for hosting #picknmix
No their actually pretty easy as they drop enough hints and by hints I mean “oh I really would like that for……….” Dxx
My dad is hard to buy for, my husband isnt, he loves all new gadgets
Some awesome gifts there x #picknmix
What a lovely idea, such a thoughtful personalised hamper. I have found them online now so will be checking them out for sure 🙂 Thanks for sharing #PicknMix
It’s so hard to know what to get isn’t it! These look lovely. #picknmix
This hamper looks amazing!! I too have a dad and partner that say they don’t want anything or choose something ridiculous that we cant possibly get! I did a hamper for my dad last year and it went down well but I had forgotten this year! 🙂
my hubby was easy to buy for before dvds became obsolete! I think it will be whisky once again this year! #PicknMix
What a fantastic find. It looks so well finished and I love the different items! I always struggle with buying for my dad. #PicknMix
Is your Dad or partner/ husband hard to buy for? – Yes, him indoors is a right pain, he doesnt really like presents so it has to be something really smashing! #picknmix
Looks like a fab hamper. I never know what to buy for my dad/hubby either, men are so hard to buy for!!xx #picknmix
My dad is impossible to buy for, he never wants anything, doesn’t give any hints or tips. So for fathers day I usually buy a few different things, and he always loves them thank goodness
My dad is insanely hard to buy for, the only things he like are sheep or farming related! James isn’t much better he just loves everything car and they are all expensive things! xx
I’ve never had contact with my own father, but my better half and brother are hard to buy for – unless they are after tools 🙂 Fingers crossed.
My dad is extremely hard to buy for once he wants something he instantly gets it so it’s very difficult xx
My Dad is difficult to buy for – he’s not into books at all and any whisky he gets lasts him years…
my husband is very hard to buy for!
I find both my husband and my dad hard to buy for but a hamper like this with a bit of everything would be perfect! #PickNMix
My dad and partner both extremely difficult to buy for, a hamper like this would make my life easy x
My Dad’s easy – all he ever wants is socks….
My Dad is harder to buy for than my Husband. Luckily there’s always whisky!
men are so simple when it comes to stuff, they already have everything! so buying for the men in my life is very difficult indeed!
Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥
My husband
Yes my Dad is super picky and hard to buy stuff for! Thank you for the chance!
My hubby is impossible to buy for. He’s fortunate enough to be able to buy whatever he wants. Best presents so far have been the ones that the kids have made for him.
yes when i say what do you fancy hes like socks !! lol fab giveaway x
very hard to buy for
My husband is always hard to buy for
I find my dad really hard to buy for.
My Dad is pretty hard to buy for he has everything he wants and doesn’t ask for much else!
My dad is as I have bought him everything already!
Gosh, yes! Not only that but requests for suggestions are not forthcoming.
My dad is very difficult to buy for, although he does like his movies
My husband is very easy to buy presents for.
My husband is hard to buy for but I do my best!
My dad is very easy to buy for as he has such a sweet tooth that good quality chocolate always goes down well. My husband on the other hand is so difficult to buy for her. So I usually just let my daughter make a card for him!
My dad is impossible to buy for he has no particular hobbies or interests and so that avenue is out of the window!!
My husband is impossible to buy for. Everything that he would want he already has!!
I find my Dad very difficult to buy for!
My husband is pretty easy to buy for. Chocolates, booze, clothes or gadgets and he’s mega happy.
My dad isn’t too hard to buy for, the go-to gifts are treats (sweet tooth), shirts or tools but if it’s something specific he wants he’ll drop plenty of hints lol!
My dad is very hard to buy for, but my whole family is like that we are all fussy!
Dad is quite difficult to buy for but he loves his whisky so i get him that! Hope to win your fab prize it would be amazing to give to him xx
What a fabulous hamper! I agree though men are a nightmare to buy for!
Stevie xx
Always says he doesn’t want anything, has all he needs and not to waste my money!
Yes, I find it harder to find things for men than women in my family. This is a nice hamper though – good selection! #picknmix
No, my dad always makes sure we know exactly what he wants for a present 🙂
My dad is very hard to buy for xx
I find hubby really hard to buy for and when the boys ask me for ideas, I’m clueless!!
Yes, very hard to buy for. Great giveaway
I used to find my dad incredibly hard to buy for – and then I came up with the idea of falling back on his love of ginger! So now every time I buy for him I buy a form of ginger, Christmas and birthdays are a hamper which gives me scope to make it different every year (with a couple of his favourites as staples)
my stepdad is easy to buy for however my partner is awful never knows what he wants or he goes out and buys it before I can
Very hard! He doesn’t even pretend he likes something. He compers gifts with my Mum’s for Mother’s Day. Nightmare!
Yes sometimes my husband is hard to buy for.What has been put together in the prize hamper is very good just adding soap with other goods is a change. thanks.x
My husband is easy to buy for as he loves clothes and movies
Definitely difficult to buy for, he has such a unique taste in things.
my dad is incredibly hard to buy for because he is the kind of man who if he wants or needs something he will just go and get it, so what do you buy the man who has everything he wants already
My dad is really hard to buy for, he has everything! If he wants anything new he just goes out and buys it!
No he is very easy to buy for
Yes very. He usually asks for the cash to put it towards something.
Really difficult, but I find pictures of or from the children that I have framed always go down well.
Because he is now a ripe old age it has got more difficult so I try to find tempting treats to eat, some of his favourite tea and small, useful gifts, and then make up a hamper.
Always find dads hard to buy for and difficult to be original.
I think all men are hard to buy for,you can give a female friend a candle,or make up and pampering goodies,you can give her something for the kitchen that you know she wants,you give a voucher for the local beauty salon,there’s just so much but any man I know would definitely not want any of the above.It’s just so hard,I enjoy shopping for gifts for females but hate shopping for men x
yes. I feel awful but my dad either gets whisky or slippers every year. 🙂
My partner is very hard to buy for! The hamper loos lovely 🙂
My husband is really hard to buy for I have to search for ages to find something good for him. 🙂
very hard to buy for
My dad is really hard to buy for, he usually gets chocolate or we take him out for lunch 😉
My son is the only man in my family and is extremely hard to buy for
My husband is pretty easy to buy for luckily, anything involving cheese, curry, booze, books, music..but my Dad is impossible!
my fathers day will go to my brother, who is ok…ish to buy for
Very! We normally resort to vouchers!
Yes if it’s a present from me but presents from my daughter he loves as he loves the small mean full thing from her she always drawing pictures and daddy teddy’s you would think he was given the world small things in life
My dad is very difficult to buy for. If he want anything he just buys it himself! Plus he really likes gadgets that are expensive!
My Father-in-Law is tough to buy for cos he doesn’t like a fuss and always says he doesn’t want anything. His hobbies aren’t things you can buy for either; he volunteers, walks locally & makes things but has got all the tools he needs already! We go cycle through all the typical things trying not duplicate too close together!
My husband isn’t too difficult to buy for but my father-in-law is very difficult and unfortunately, his birthday is on 24th June so I have to come up with two suitable presents!
My dad is incredibly hard to buy for, he doesn’t really have any interests and any hobbies he has taken up over the years, he’s not really stuck to.
Fiancé, no he isn’t difficult to buy for :- Luckily. Though I must say that I have found it difficult to bchoose gifts for other male relatives and friends. I suppose initially we buy them the things we know they will like and use, and over the years it becomes more difficult. As we like the gift to be different, yet useful for the recipient.
My dad is the hardest because he has everything. Thanks xxx
My fiance (daughter’s daddy) is so difficult to buy for. I still don’t know what are we going to get.
Definately. My partner doesnt have a favourite of anything
Yes my Dad is very hard to buy for and he always says he’s just happy with a card but I would love to give him a little treat this year.
My hubby is pretty easy to buy for. He always lets me know what he wants lol x
Both my dad and partner are so easy to buy for. Just a bottleof whisky every time for my dad and booze/clothes/aftershave for my partner.
Yes. Even when you think you’ve found the perfect gift it sits there unused
My dad is really easy to buy for when it gets close to his birthday he gives hints for what he wants.
both are hard to by for although i find it the hardest to buy for my dad
YES my dad is hard to buy for