
Dairy free weekly meal plan / 1

Do you meal plan? It’s something I’ve done on and off but I’m not always very good at sticking to them. As January has arrived, meal planning is one of the organisational things I am doing to help make my life a little easier. Ava can’t have dairy and is also fussy, which makes planning meals even more difficult for us as a family. We don’t always eat with the children as I find 5 ish too early, but we try to eat with them a few times a week and I also try and make a larger batch the evenings of the days I work to take for lunch the next day.  

This is our weekly meal plan of dairy free meals and adaptions.

This week is a little different as James goes to America on Friday for the week so for some of the plan it’s just me and the kids.








If you are looking for more dairy free meal inpsiration, check out my days of meals

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Dairy free weekly meal plan



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