
Best skin supplements for a healthy glow

We can get most of our required nutrients and minerals from our diet, and we should aim to have a good diet in order to get the most from it. But, whether it’s due to different deficiencies, health conditions, or just personal choice, sometimes we need a little boost.

Achieving optimum levels each day through diet alone isn’t that realistic today. We all lead busy lifestyles, and our dietary choices can fall short on our list of priorities, despite our best efforts.

However, there are several vitamins and supplements that help towards achieving a natural, healthy glow on our skin, as well as supporting hair, nails, brain, and our all-important gut health.

With this in mind, here are some ‘go-to-glow’ supplement recommendations to help your skin:

Vitamin C

This vitamin found in your favourite citrus fruits does more than boost your immune system and can work absolute wonders on your skin. An antioxidant, it fights harmful free radicals that encounter your skin from external sources, such as blue light and air pollution.

Vitamin C is a dermatologist-favourite that may help slow early signs of ageing, prevent sun damage, and improve the appearance of wrinkles, dark spots, and acne. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help control sebum production within the skin, as well as promoting collagen production.

Whether taken in tablet or powder form, or by incorporating lots of fruit and vegetables into your diet, regular ingestion of vitamin C has so many benefits for your skin.


The body’s most abundant protein, collagen is responsible for healthy joints and skin elasticity. It’s in our bones, muscles, and blood, comprising three quarters of our skin and a third of our body’s total protein.

It goes through a continuous cycle of renewal and makes your skin adept at preparing cells after damage. But as you age, existing collagen breaks down and it gets harder to produce more. That’s where supplements, like collagen powder, comes in.

Ingesting collagen daily can help with the renewal process and maintain healthy and hydrated skin. It can also improve skin elasticity, particularly for more mature skin, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


Critical in the health of your bones and teeth, calcium is also crucial for all bodily organs, including your skin. It plays a role in regulating the skin’s many functions, and a lack of it will prevent the production of new skin cells and the shedding of dead ones.

Most calcium is found in the skin’s outermost layer, and when there’s not enough there, the epidermis can appear fragile, thin, and dry. Playing a role in maintaining skin’s natural hydration, it supports the creation of sebum that moisturises and protects your skin from drying out.

Calcium supplements ensure that your skin has enough to stay healthy and hydrated. But, most importantly, calcium also creates a skin barrier that helps to protect you from harmful UV rays, and in turn, reduces the risk of skin cancer – though you should still apply a layer of SPF daily.

Omega 3

It’s known to support cognitive, heart, and bone health, but omega 3 can give your nails, skin, and hair a welcome boost. Your body can’t produce omega 3, so it needs to come from your diet or topical application.

The fatty acid can help reduce inflammation and potentially ease conditions like acne, as well as the potential to help supplement the skin’s resilience to harmful UV rays from the sun. As with calcium, it shouldn’t be used as a replacement for SPF, but a regular dose may decrease your skin’s sensitivity to the sun.

Omega 3 can also help your skin stay soft by bolstering the ability to retain water by enhancing barrier function. It will essentially have a positive impact on your skin’s hydration level, providing a moisture boost for those with irritated, dry, or dermatitis-prone skin.


Regularly consuming one or all of the above supplements could have great positive impacts on your skin, leaving you with a healthy glow all year round. However, it’s not easy to figure out which would be best if you, understandably, don’t want to take them all.

Before starting any supplement regime or taking any vitamins, consult with a medical or dermatology professional to ensure they’re the best ones for you. Putting anything into your body isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ situation, so it’s important to check they won’t negatively interact with any other medication you may be taking, or affect any pre-existing health conditions.

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