Grow your Twitter following by thousands – 10 easy ways

As I recently hit 7k followers and now get paid to tweet on Twitter I thought I would do a little post on how I have grown my Twitter following. I saw on timehop yesterday that I had reached 2k a year ago which means my Twitter has grown by 5k in 1 year. I’m no expert at Twitter but in just over a year and a half I have figured out quite a lot. This is an honest insight into how to grow your Twitter following by thousands in 10 easy ways.

10 easy ways to grow your Twitter following by Thousands

  1. Follow people in the same field as you. For example if you are a parenting blogger, look for another parenting blogger follow them and then have a look at who they follow and add them too. 
  2. Follow brands that you like, tweet them and they may follow you back.
  3. Interact with people you want to follow you. My Twitter moves so fast I often miss new followers, however if someone interacts with me I will always check to see if I am following them and if I’m not already then I will make sure that I do.
  4. Join in with chats. If you are unsure of what a chat is, it’s very simply a group of people who will chat together at a set time each week using a #. You can join in by tweeting and including the # then search for the rest of the conversation with the same # or set up a column on your Tweetdeck so it’s easier to follow. It’s a great way to find other people and to help them find you. I sometimes join in with a few blogger ones #mblogchat, #pbloggers, #lbloggers and also some local ones, #MKhour, #Northantshour, #Bedshour.
  5. Don’t just spam your followers with blog posts. I post pictures and tweets about my daily life too.
  6. Ask questions and comment on trending issues, using relevant hashtags if there are any.
  7. Do not send automated DM’s the majority of people I know don’t like them and may even unfollow you for doing it.
  8. Retweet other bloggers or companies, spread the love.
  9. Be polite, don’t swear or get into huge arguements if you want to work with brands.
  10. If you run competitions add ‘follow me on twitter’ as an entry option.

Some other little gems of wisdom I have learnt are;

I hope this helps you to grow your Twitter following by thousands. I’m putting together a little series on blogging tips so if there is anything you would like me to cover, let me know in the comments below.


32 responses to “Grow your Twitter following by thousands – 10 easy ways”

  1. great tips thanks. I love Twitter, I have noticed in a few weeks my following growing. I would love to see some more posts like these. I would love for you to cover creating an idiots guide to creating a media kit. I am struggling with what to put in mine and also i’m not very good with computers xx

  2. This post really caught my eye, some fab tips. I’ve just had a short break from blogging – was feeling a bit down about how much time it can take up and missing out on my babies. I’ve still been logging onto twitter and liking other tweets, reciprocating follows etc but I didn’t write any new blog posts or join in with twitter linkys for a while. I think I was on the verge of burn out and packing it in altogether. Anyway, the break has helped, I’m back with plenty of enthusiasm, a new post and hopefully a bit of renewed self-belief. Will definitely follow some of your tips mentioned here x (love your new profile photo btw)

  3. Rachelswirl says:

    Thanks for this. I am only at 450 or so followers but I’m new to it all (started blogging in Feb). I’ll bare all this in mind cheers X

  4. Steven Daws says:

    Great post, lots of handy tips for the new blogger.

  5. Lizzie says:

    Well done on reaching 7k. Great tips! It’s a slow and steady process but you’re right about interacting and following back if they chat to you x

  6. wendy says:

    Wow 5k in a year! That’s so impressive. I’m on about 1,400 and I’ve noticed a big increase since I started sharing more and just making myself a bit more present over there. I definitely need to set up lists, thanks for reminding me xx #picknmix

  7. Helen says:

    This is a really interesting read – I also found that when I had the time to properly interact with blogger chats etc then my following went up dramatically! #PicknMix

    Helen x

  8. Emma says:

    exactly the same as you – didn’t like twitter at first. now its prob my fave social media platform. lists are great and my go to for scheduling and analysis is buffer #PicknMix

  9. This is so useful. I find twitter a bit complicated – will definitely be back to re-read when I am dressed and kid free. #PicknMix

  10. Great tips here, Eilidh. I have pinned 🙂 #PicknMix

  11. RachelSwirl says:

    Have started putting this into action- cheers

  12. Great post and tips, thanks for sharing and giving me some ideas. #PicknMix

  13. Catherine says:

    Thank you for this, I have been blogging and tweeting for about a month but it is hard and it is time consuming! I love it though, and I adore interaction with people.

  14. laura dove says:

    Great tips! I only recently hit 1000 followers as I had no idea what I was doing on twitter! Will give some of these ideas a go, thank you! #picknmix

  15. Hi Eilidh – my follows have been pretty organic to date as I only started in Jan and try not to get too caught up in numbers but I like the idea of being more interactive and following more people in the same field as me. Thanks for the tips! #PicknMix

  16. Kirsty says:

    I love twitter and started it a month into blogging. I am just about to reach 3k and have been doing it for 8 months now. It has been the biggest growing media platform for me by a mile #picknmix

  17. Great tips. I do love Twitter but I do need to spend more time on it and your post has inspired me to do just that. X #PicknMix

  18. Really great tips – I’m off to make some lists as I am fining it hard to keep up lately. I’ve just started joining chats and love them!

  19. Great tips! My following is growing slowly but surely and its really nice to see! I always make sure that I follow people and brands I’m interested in and always reply to comments and questions I’m asked. I still haven’t set up lists on twitter yet so that must be the next thing on my list to do! 🙂

  20. Auto-DMs are also against Twitter’s T&Cs!

    Great tips – I do most of these and have seen my followers increase a lot in the last few months.


  21. I am still finding my way with Twitter among other things and found this really informative Thanks for sharing it. #picknmix

  22. I use TweetDeck too – but I need to look into it more properly as I am only using it to tweet scheduled tweets. Great Tips! Thank you. x

  23. Yep I do most of these 🙂 I wish Facebook was as easy as Twitter, Twitter it’s taken me 15 months to get to almost 14k followers, Facebook I’m struggling to get to 2000 groan!

    Stevie x

  24. Crummy mummy says:

    I wrote a similar post recently after finally learning how to enjoy Twitter – now it’s one of my favourite forms of social media! #picknmix

  25. Brilliant advice, I need to start using Twitter properly again, I’m just so behind in everything. #picknmix xx

  26. Wow, go you! I’ve got a twitter post lined up in a few weeks too. Is Tweetdeck an app? And the lists thing is definitely something I need to utilise. Looks like my post will be for newbie tweeters lol #picknmix

  27. alex says:

    Thanks for the TweetDeck tip! I checked it out and already, it’s making my list building that much easier.

  28. I will definitely be saving this. Being one of the newbies, I have started with facebook and instagram and haven’t embarked on twitter yet. And I don’t know much about it. It is so hard to stay on top of all social media but these are some really good tips. And here is hoping I stick around for a bit too! 🙂

  29. Nyomi says:

    Some great tips here, thank you. I’ve not used tweetdeck so off to get that now and I didn’t think to set up a list. I’m going to do that too!

  30. Seem to me like some excellent tips here, thanks.
    I just recently followed a few followers’ followers and was kind of wondering whether it was accepted practice.
    I’ve got to make lists. I know I do. I appreciate the reminder to do so.
    Great post!

  31. I prefer not to receive DM from anyone on Twitter. It doesn’t tell you when it was sent and I tend to have no control over when it sends it. Great tips.

  32. Great stuff here! I set up my Twitter account a couple of months ago and am very interested on growing my following. I’ll be sure to start tweeting things other than posts….hadn’t thought to do that before. Thank you!

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