
Bad Mum Day

A day of sick, mess and losing the plot.

1. I’ve had a couple of hours sleep. I was up in the night not once, twice, three times oh no much more than that with the toddler and the 5yr old as he isn’t very well. 

2. So I get up tired to a poorly 5yr old and grumpy toddler.

3. Make breakfast for them, the toddler has 3 mouthfuls, gags and then does her passionate arms waving no, no, no. 5yr old decides he doesn’t want his breakfast. 8yr old happily starts to eat his then when he realises his brother isn’t going to school starts complaining of a tummy ache.

4. Go to get clothes for toddler, me and boys. Why can I only find odd socks? Yes you do need to put on clean pants (to the gross 8yr old) The 5yr old has lost the ability to dress himself and the toddler is again perfecting her no and running off.

5. Help the 5yr old get dressed, retrieve the toddler from on top of the coffee table. I quickly chuck on yesterdays clothes (with clean underwear of course).

6. Finally everyone is dressed, no time for make up, the 8yr old is rolling around on the floor as he doesn’t want to go to school. I get everyone’s coats and shoes on and then remember the 8yr old needs a packed lunch today. Back in to the kitchen I tell him he can choose some things to go in it at which point he starts to make a miraculous recovery. 

7. No now is not a good time to decide you absolutely must take a specific Match Attax card to School today!

8. Get in the car at the time we usually get to School. Drive through the next village and a guy in a van pulls out into the road from parked at the side missing us by cms. I honk the horn, he turns around totally oblivious and he is on his phone, and breathe!

7. Get to school and pull up at the gates (bonus of being late) so I can run the 8yr old in, the gates to classrooms are being shut as we walk up so I have to sign him in to the late book, the shame.

8. Back in the car with a whingy 5yr old and a gymnastic, shape throwing, arching back master that is the toddler.

9. Home, time for a coffee, no coffee left! 

10. Realise I need to go and get some oat milk for the toddler today and we have to go to a big supermarket to get it. Decide this isn’t going to work so I put the TV on and try to do an online shop for click and collect later.

11. 5 year old saying his throat feels funny then starts puking up on the blanket and the sofa!

12. As I’m cleaning this up the toddler empties the box of blueberry wafers that I had just pre sick given her one from and proceeds to happily jump on them all.

13. Finish the food shopping, success! 

14. Time for the toddlers lunch, I sit her at the table and she pulls off her bowl of weetabix from this morning. Yes I know I should have moved it but did you read everything that was going on earlier?! The weetabix goes over her, the booster seat, the floor, the table and what is with that stuff it’s like bloody superglue.

15. The 5yr old is asleep on the sofa so I change the toddlers nappy in the play room, she runs off and promptly wee’s on the floor.

16. Nap time and as I take her upstairs she gets the hiccups, making it one long getting to sleep nap time. 

17. Come downstairs and they are both asleep so I hastily stuff a twix in my mouth and check my phone. Find out that my post from this morning has half the pictures showing sideways.

18. Sit down to try to rectify the picture problem and the 5yr old wakes up, he’s not happy.

19. My Mum and Dad take pity on me and pick the 8yr old up and my click and collect up for me meaning I avoid any sick in the car and having to get the toddler in the car seat.

20. Think my luck is changing and am pretty pleased with myself that I haven’t lost my **** yet. 

21. Shopping gets dropped off by my Dad. I put it away, empty the bin and something has leaked. Cleaning the bin is one of my most hated jobs EVER.

22. Cooking dinner, the 5yr old is still not happy and wants me to sit in the lounge with him stroking his head. The toddler is busy pulling everything out of the recycling bin on to the floor and emptying one of the cupboards.

23. I decide to quickly try to do some washing up and whilst I am filling the sink I hear the oven door open. The toddler! No! I dive across the kitchen and shut it and she is standing there saying ooh. She keeps going back towards it, so I abandon the washing up and take her out of the room. How she managed to open it I don’t know.

24. 5yr old still not happy, the 8yr old however is as I’ve let him play on his PS Vita which he isn’t usually allowed in the week.

25. Dinner time, the 5 yr old doesn’t want anything, doesn’t want to sit at the table and wants me to sit in the lounge with him. So he is crying somewhere between the two rooms. The toddler meanwhile shoves a whole carrot waffle thing in so far that she gags and brings back up most of her dinner again all down her, the booster seat and the floor. 

26. Don’t even attempt bathtime tonight, getting undressed is stressful enough as the 5yr old can’t get his jumper off. The toddler is being her usual uncooperative self and the 8yr old is ignoring me.

27. Bedtime and the 5yr old is crying, the toddler takes ages to go to sleep and when I read the 8yr old his story I find myself laughing hysterically at a chapter in the Faraway Tree. I think to myself that I have now officially lost the plot.

28. Come downstairs to a total bombsite, toys everywhere, kitchen cupboards emptied, recycling on the floor, washing up not done and so I’m sitting here typing this up before I go and sort it all. The worst thing is that my partner is away in America till Friday. The 5yr old is crying again. Wish me luck for tonight!



Leave the mess! Don’t even attempt it!
It’ll get done sometime. Sorry you had a right day of it but I think you have dealt with it admirably!

Becster says:

I’ve not had that bad a day yet but the coming back downstairs to a tip is a regular occurrence! Hope your evening is better than your day!!! x

Life as Mum says:

Oh no!! Sounds so stresfull! I was getting stressed reading this post Bless you!

Emma says:

Oh bless you, sounds like a super stressful day! Hope today is going better. I’m having a bad mum day today and this was a comfort knowing it’s not just me! Good luck for the rest of the week 🙂 xx

OMG! What a day. Pour a nice glass of wine and ignore the mess, you definitely deserve a break after all that! Hope the little one is feeling better tomorrow. How did you write a post in the middle of all this? #picknmix

Wow! what a day, I hope things get better for you soon x #picknmix

Crummy Mummy says:

I feel for you! I’ve been up with both BB and Little B in the nights this week – hence I’m sat writing this in my dressing gown! #picknmix

Pour yourself a large glass of wine! This is what my weekend is going to be like, my husband is working both days and its going to be me vs. toddler. I only have one to deal with – I’m super impressed you didn’t lose your sh** ! #PicknMix

Oh no, that sounds awful and even worse when partner is away. Ignore the mess, it doesn’t matter. I hope everyone is feeling better soon and you have a chance to rest. x #PickNMix

This post sounds like me on a daily basis. I have a 3.5 year old and a 10 month old. As soon as one is sorted this other is a mess. My partner has been off sick so you think he would make it all a bit easier, but no it’s like having another child 🙁 #picknmix

That sounds like a really bad day. Hopefully was just one off! xx

Kirsty says:

Oh my gosh, that sounds awful! I hope it got better from that point and that you are all now recovering #picknmix

sarah says:

we have a poorly household to at the moment.. =[ sucks theres alot of it going around. bring on summer hey.
feel for you running out of coffee mind lol .. its the only way i get thru the day .. too many late nights and early mornings xx

There's always time for tea says:

Sounds like you had a super stressful today! I hope everyone feels better soon! xx #picknmix

sometimes this parenting gig can be a real pain. It’s great that your parents are around to help. There are some times when I don’t know what I would do without mine

Argh, some days it really does feel like everything that can go wrong does! But it can’t last forever – the ‘right’ day must be just around the corner! x #picknmix

Tracey Abrahams says:

Theyyre fed and alive, thsrs the main stuff sorted. Washing up can wait. At some point you will get a fabulous day to balance this one, thats parent karma. #Picknmix

Cheryl @ ReimerandRuby says:

Don’t worry! you’re not alone in this situation, I actually had a bad mum day yesterday too. I think all of us mums encounter a really bad day sometimes. I’ve noticed kids are good at testing our patience when their dads is not around, isn’t it? Relax, chin up… you’re doing great! #PicknMix

You are truly, truly amazing! Currently adapting to life as a new mum (baby 3 months old) and that feels hard enough at times. I am in awe. And you are clearly doing a fab job at being a mum. Your ‘bad mum day’ post just made me think ‘what a great mum’. Happy Friday, hope you get a chance to relax at some point…

Julie Downes says:

Oh no! Hope your night wasn’t too bad and you got a moment to yourself. #PicknMix

wendy says:

Ahh what a stressful day! I hope you all made it through the night with no tears or more sick.I know what you mean about is impossible to clean up, it turns to like cement or something. Hope you have had a better day today 🙂 xx #picknnmix

Fern says:

I second the notion of leaving the mess, just shove it out of the way a little bit. If anyone suggests visiting warn them of the fountains of puke which may be encountered and they’ll soon change their mind.
Hope 5 year old is better soon, poorly kids make EVERYTHING more stressful & difficult.

I don’t have a 5 year old but I do have a toddler who is like a hurricane and a nearly 8 year old who is either complaining they are bored or ignoring me while on her tablet so do get in a day a lot of what you wrote but you can only do so much before you have to say yourself that you need ‘me time’! #PicknMix

Silly Mummy says:

Oh dear – doesn’t sound fun! Hope 5yr old better now! #picknmix

Laura @ Dot Makes 4 says:

Bless you. It sounds like you had a really rough day, but to quote Yazz, the only way is up! 🙂
I hope the 5yr old is feeling better!
Laura xx

Oh my god! This sounds like my worst nightmare! And you still managed to write it all down haha! xx

Oh dear 🙁 I have had a few days like this before so I feel your pain! I hope the night was better and that things have improved now! 🙂 #PicknMix

I swear it’s never just one thing that goes wrong, it all piles up together. Though days like these make the good days seem so much better, and the slightly bad days seem slightly easier to cope with.

Stevie xx

P.S You are an amazing Mum that much is obvious

Ooooh I feel your pain lovely! I’ve had so many days like this! It can be one thing after another after another & the worst is seeing the massive mess & realizing it’s another couple of hours work until you can chill out. My boys are the same way with their match attax cards! Thanks so much for hosting #PicknMix x

Oh no!!!! What a day!! I hope you just left the mess after the children were in bed so you could have a huge glass of wine!

On the plus side , now you’ve had a day like that you shouldn’t be due another one for at least another year!! #PickNMix

Oh man my heart goes out to you. I hope you got some sleep and a well earned glass of wine! My husband is away for the next two weeks in America so I totally feel your pain #picknmix

Nicola says:

Oh no! Horrendous day for you! Hope the 5 year old is now better and you managed some rest? And remember, tomorrow will be better! Thanks for hosting #picknmix 🙂

Oh lovely this does sound like a bad day but you did so well not to lose it! I hope the next day was a lot better. It’s always worse when you don’t have your parter there to help out. Thanks for hosting #picknmix xx

OMG – book yourself a massage or something for when the OH gets back. Some days are just a complete write off. I think this demonstrates beautifully exactly what mothers have to deal with every day. I hope you got a better nights sleep and that they recovered quickly from the sickness bug. Sending hugs xx #PickNMix

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