
A change of career from teaching to freelance writing and social media management

I feel like I haven’t posted a personal post on here for a while. Putting yourself out there can get a bit scary sometimes.  We’ve been busy moving house and have also made some rather large life changing decisions. It’s amazing what a little more space can do for your own headspace. I’m a lot happier since we have moved. More living space and a larger garden means the kids are happier too.

The life changing decision we made is that a few weeks ago I handed in my notice. I’m not going to be a teacher from September. I thought I would be really happy about it and I am, but I’m also sad that teaching is becoming an increasingly unfriendly family job. It worries me for my children as I see so many others leaving the profession.

I’m going to be working from home, helping James with his exciting new business. I’m also very happy that I will be able to dedicate more time to my blog. I’ve built this up whilst working as a teacher and looking after three children and it’s something I’m rather proud of. So having some more time for it will be amazing. I’m planning on a slightly new direction and maybe even a name change. Although I’m really struggling with a new name!

I will also be branching out into freelance writing and helping others with their social media. When I started blogging I had no idea what I was getting in to and the skills I would learn. So I’m pleased that I am going to be able to put them to good use working with others and excited to sink my teeth into new projects. If you are looking for help building up your social media followers and with getting an engaged audience you can contact me for more information on the packages I am offering. Or if you know someone that is looking please send them my way. 

As you read this I will hopefully be on a lilo in the pool enjoying the sunshine with a drink in hand! You can check out more on Instagram to see what we have been up to on holiday.



Great news for you! Hope it all goes well.

Good for you! After returning from my second maternity leave I have given serious thought to changing my career from teaching but have instead decided to go in a slightly different direction and I have a new job working in a sixth form college starting in September which I can’t wait to begin. Teaching is such a hard job and not very family friendly at all. I am really excited to be working in a more grown up environment in a college, and not being called Miss! xx

Donna says:

I’m excited to see what your future holds, I am sure you’ll be amazing x

Tinuke says:

Congratulations! It’s always a bit scary making a big life decision but I’m sure it will all pay off! Hope you enjoy your holiday xx.

Colin says:

I made the move into the classroom as a TA about a year ago and, whilst I’ve loved it, this last year has really opened my eyes to how stressed and overworked Teachers are! So sad to see great people leaving the profession but I don’t blame them. I’m hoping for an HLTA position soon which will hopefully give a happy medium, we’ll see.
Good luck in your new adventure!

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