
Hedgehog Tights, woolly hats and grey hair #littleloves

I’ve had a really weird week this week. Normal Mum days followed by a top secret job on Wednesday and my Nana’s funeral yesterday. It’s been a real mix of up and downs. I’m glad it’s Friday and looking forward to cuddles on the sofa later. Oh and how adorable are these hedgehog tights? This is Ava posing like Mummy by a wall!


A copy of Grazia whilst at the hairdressers. I very rarely read a magazine now but if I was to buy one Grazia is my usual go to. 


Gunpowder! I think I actually watched this the week before but it was so good I need to mention it!


Liam Gallagher’s new album. I was always asked if they were my cousins when I was growning up and I got so sick of it, in the end I just used to say they were!


A start on my Christmas shopping. Now all the Birthdays are out the way and it’s November I can start thinking about Christmas. With three children and a difficult partner to buy for I always need to start early, although I know some people that are already wrapping?! It makes me feel anxious when I’ve hardly got any yet!


My coat and hat, it’s suddenly got a lot colder! We went to watch some fireworks at the weekend and Ava was NOT impressed. Hopefully next year she will like them more!

And Lastly ….

I had my hair done, finally! Having dark roots I’ve noticed all the grey!! I think I’m going to have to go back to highlights soon so at least they blend in.



My eldest needs ear defenders for fireworks. She hates the bangs. I’ve heard a few o f Noel Gallagher’s new songs and like them so far. Sorry you’ve not had the best week. #littleloves

Morgana says:

I’m just like you, I can’t concentrate on Christmas until birthdays are out of the way, so November is when I start too. It’s sending my loopy how many people are organised and finished already though! EEK! xx

Kayleigh Watkins says:

Oh no, not a good week, hope you are feeling better now, I love these hedgehog tights and I know my five year old daughter would too, we have just moved but before we did we had a local hedgehog, we would have to wake her up or take photos of it so she could see it, she loves wearing her shorts even in this weather so we have been putting tights under them to keep her warm xx

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