
Make a Family Wish Jar to create memories

Lat year I sat down with the boys on the 1st of January and asked them what they would like to do during the year. I explained that I was talking about experiences rather than getting things and gave some examples. They both came up with some great ideas and I wrote them down in a notebook, which I then lost when we moved house. This year to avoid losing our ideas I came up with a ‘Family Wish Jar’ and they loved doing it yesterday. It’s so simple I thought I would share it so you can create your own family wish jar too. 



How to make a Family Wish Jar

All you will need is a jar, some pieces of paper and something to write with. We started with just plain A4 paper cut into squares but I’m going to purchase some pretty card to make it look a little more special.  

Next you ask everyone what they would like to do this year, encouraging answers that don’t involve getting the newest computer game, rather experiences that you can do together.

I handed out four pieces of paper to each of us to write our wishes on. Once we had all decided, I think I took the longest, we read them out one by one as we placed them into the jar.

Some of the wishes we have are;

“Bake brownies together”

“Go on a bike ride”

“Pick our own strawberries”

I’ve used the wishes from the jar to create a Yearly Bucket List and each month I will take and plan 1-2 wishes. Knowing what everyone wants to do gives me time to budget and prepare for them and spread the cost throughout the year. 

If you want to read our full Family Bucket List for the year It’s here. 

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How to make a Family wish jar.


This is such a lovely idea 🙂 I will definitely be trying this! #SharingtheBlogLove

I love making things like this =) Great post to share with us. #sharingthebloglove

I love this idea! We do a memory jar to capture our favourite memories from the year, but this is a lovely reverse of that. My son is only two, so a little bit young this year, but I’m putting this on my list to do for next year! Thanks for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

suzie says:

This is a really great idea. Hope everyone’s wishes come true

Ohhh this is a lovely idea!


Twin Pickle says:

This is such a sweet idea, I love it! #SharingtheBlogLove

I love it! That’s a really great idea. I’m going to have to borrow this concept. #SharingtheBlogLove

Really simple idea, we need to do this. #sharingthebloglove

Helena says:

This is a brilliant idea. Something for me to do with the girls and hubby when they are older. May you enjoy doing all the things you’ve written down. #sharingthebloglove

That is such a good idea! I might still do one of these! #sharingthebloglove

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