
Make Christmas Memories – The Best 19 Ways

What are your favorite Christmas memories? For me they are of special times with family and friends.  Mistletoe, too much chocolate, twinkly lights reflecting off the car windows driving home after a Christmas Party, eyes heavy with sleep. Putting my sack out and being too excited to close my eyes. Running downstairs in the morning anxious and full of wonder waiting to see what Santa has brought. Eating all together around the table with silly hats and crackers. Singing along to Christmas songs whilst dancing in the kitchen and many more. I love my Christmas memories and some of my favourites now are creating them with and for my children. With these 19 different ways to make Christmas memories I’m looking forward to making even more.The best 19 ways to make Christmas memories

The Best 19 Ways To Make Christmas Memories

Go Christmas Tree Picking

If you get a real tree have a look for a local Christmas tree farm where you can actually go and chose your tree and then help to chop it down.  It’s also a great opportunity for some Christmas photos.

Create A Christmas Eve Box

Every year we do a Christmas Eve box. We open it in the morning and it’s become one of those lovely traditions. Over the years I have put different things in it depending on the age of the children. It’s always included hot chocolate and marshmallows, (snowman soup) and magic reindeer food and new pj’s. 

Have A Book Advent

We love books and have a whole shelf dedicated to Christmas books. To make the most of them all we do a book advent. A different book to read together each day in December.  In the past I have wrapped each book and let the boys chose one each day to unwrap. Last year I didn’t have the time to wrap them all so put them in a Christmas box and that worked just as well. 

Bake And Decorate Cookies

Bakes simple sugar cookies shaped with Christmas cutters and then go wild with the decorations. You can even box them up and give to relatives, I’m sure they will love you for it!

Watch Christmas Movies

We do this pretty much every weekend on the run up to Christmas.  Snuggle up with cozy blankets, hot chocolate, treats and cuddles. 

Make A Gingerbread House

The last couple of years I have bought a Gingerbread house making kit. It comes with all the gingerbread already baked and you just put it together and decorate. Nice and easy!

Get Outside – Snow Fun

If we have any snow, get outside and make a snowman, go sledging and have a snowball fight. If we don’t, enjoy wintery walks together, or visit a snowdome!

Drive Around To See The Christmas Lights

Pretty self explanatory! There’s usually a street or somewhere local that goes all out. Maybe stop for a Christmas hot chocolate on the way around. 

Decorate The Bedrooms 

Maybe you have a festive duvet cover or little Christmas ornaments and teddies. It can be as simple as putting up a string of star lights, but it helps to spread the magical feeling throughout the house. 

Elf On The Shelf

Love them or hate them we have been doing this for a few years now and apart from when I suddenly remember I still need to move it when I’m already in bed we have great fun with it each year!

Have A Snowflake Cutting Competition 

Challenge the kids to a snowflake cutting competition then use them as decorations. 

Family Game Night Fun

Play some of this board games you have had in a cupboard since last Christmas and let the kids stay up later. 

Christmas Themed Breakfast (North Pole Breakfast)

We do this with our Elf who delivers it sometimes when he arrives or sometimes as a reward! Check out my Pinterest board full of ideas!

The best 19 ways to make Christmas memories

Write A Letter to Santa

Every year we get special paper and envelopes and they write a letter to Santa which we then either put up the chimney or leave with the Elf to take. 

Go To A Christmas Panto 

Panto’s can be expensive so check out places like Groupon for reduced tickets to a big Theatre production. Or alternatively have a look and see if your local dramatics company is putting a smaller Panto on. 

Be Givers

Take part in a Christmas box project, sing carols in a Care Home or donate some of your toys to charity. Last year the boys went through their toy boxes and we donated items that they no longer played with. We created space and also encouraged them to think of others.   

Have A Christmas Song Singalong

Some of my earliest Christmas memories are singing Christmas songs in the car, filled with excitement on the way to see Santa. Make a playlist and sing along with the kids!

Decorate The Tree Together 

Yes I might re decorate it once the kids have gone to bed and take them all off that one low down branch. But we put on some Christmas tunes and the kids absolutely love it, dancing around the tree. 

Go To A Carol, Crib and/or Christingle Service

Go to A Christingle, Carol or Crib Service. Every year we try and go to at least one, usually on Christmas Eve and even though we aren’t regular Church goers we are always made to feel very welcome.

The best 19 ways to make Christmas memories


I hope you have fun with these 19 ways to make Christmas memories!



Kristi says:

I love celebrating Christmas since I was a young girl. It is like a tradition to me and I am passing the tradition to my kids. I must confess that I love your ideas of making Christmas memories. I would love these memories to be permanently stored in my kids’ minds. I will for sure try out the snowflake cutting competition and many others? Just one question though, when do you normally start making these Christmas memories? A month to Christmas or just some days to Christmas?

Kayleigh Watkins says:

Great ideas, I will be doing the elf on the shelf with my three children next year, and the Christmas eve boxes are becoming very popular, we usually have a movie take away and open the tubs of chocolates and sweets Christmas eve before leaving santas treats out, sprinkling the lawn with reindeer food and getting our children to bed so I can do any last minute wrapping xxx

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