I can’t believe it is July already! Last month was so busy and I didn’t get around to doing my monthly bucket list so I have a bit of catching up to do.
Go on a picnic – We have been on picnics and had picnics in the new garden 🙂
Take Ava for the first time to a Safari Park or the Sealife Centre – Still to do
Visit London – Done, I love that game!
Take the boys to the cinema – I haven’t managed to do this. Kind of tricky with Ava.
Go swimming – Done this a few times.
Visit a Country park – We have been to a few.
Find a music group to take Ava too – I started Baby Sensory classes with Ava this week which invlovles lots of singing and she loves it.
Things for me
Date night (Yes I’m putting it down again!)- We managed this but not until June!
Start my beauty regime – (hangs head in shame!)
Stick to the healthier eating – I’ve been very on and off with this.
Stick to the exercising – What exercise?!
Sort out when I am and what I am returning to at work (so I can stop stressing about it) Now this one is a big tick. Not only have I sorted out returning before the holidays I have found a teaching job in a School nearer to home and am starting there in September.
Get my hair done. Had my hair done and now it needs doing again.
Me time (I’m hoping for a miracle for this one) A miracle didn’t happen!
Things for the blog
Get better at scheduling tweets and Facebook updates – Some weeks I’m better than others at this.
Post some of my backlog – I’m getting there.
Get logo finished 🙂 – I have a new site design but have yet to have my logo done.
Have fun – I definitely have
This month is going to be weird with returning to work for two and a half weeks. I’ve decided to approach my bucket list differently and I’m going to choose 5 things for the month ahead.
Enjoy my time with the kids! I’m not going to see them as much so I want the time that I see them to be filed with laughter and fun. To not be trying to do a million and one things and to spend some time focusing on just enjoying them.
One Evening out of the house with James. After having the chance to spend some time with just James we both said how important it was for our relationship so we have decided to book in one night a month out of the house. An achievable amount I hope.
Me time – I’m cheating with this as at some point this month I will get my hair done and am also going to the Aqua Sana for a day at the end of the month.
Get through work – I’m dreading going back for the two and a half weeks. I’m really not looking forward to leaving Ava and the logistics (an hour at least commute there and back). Just getting through it will be an achievement.
Finish sorting the clothes – We have a pile of bags full of clothes from when we moved house that I need to sort.
What is on your bucket list for July?  Pop over and have a look at all the others who are joining in with the lovely Beth at Twinderelmo.
Sounds as though it’s all coming together, well done on achieving so much in the last 2 months! Good luck with planning your date night! #monthlybucketlist
we struggle getting time just us too, good luck with your date night. I can relate with enjoying spending time with kids, I work 12 hour shifts so need to enjoy the time I have with Mini M when I get it
Hope work wasn’t too hard for you. I know what you mean about the cinema with the older ones when you have a small one!
Hope you enjoyed your me time & you and James managed a night together
So sorry for late commenting xx
Sounds as though it’s all coming together, well done on achieving so much in the last 2 months! Good luck with planning your date night! #monthlybucketlist
we struggle getting time just us too, good luck with your date night. I can relate with enjoying spending time with kids, I work 12 hour shifts so need to enjoy the time I have with Mini M when I get it
Hope work wasn’t too hard for you. I know what you mean about the cinema with the older ones when you have a small one!
Hope you enjoyed your me time & you and James managed a night together
So sorry for late commenting xx