*Guest post
One of the great things about living in the UK is that everything is relatively easy to get to if you drive. To be honest, even if you don’t, you can get around relatively easily on trains, trams, and buses, but driving gives you some added convenience, which is especially useful if you are travelling with kids. Taking a road trip is a fantastic way of saving some money on your break and seeing a little more of the country. If you are planning a road trip this summer, either for a holiday or to get to a special event, here’s how you can prepare.
The most important thing to do before going on a long road trip is to make sure your car is up to it. Check the engine fluid levels and make sure everything under the bonnet looks right. Check the tyres, both in terms of pressure and tread. Make sure all your dashboard lights are off and working and test your brakes. If you have any concerns at all, get the professionals to give it a thorough check. You can’t put a price on safety, but even when you don’t have a long trip planned it’s probably a good idea to check all of these things regularly. And if your car isn’t up to scratch make sure you look at a reputable place like Sandown Mercedes.
You should also make sure your knowledge of the roads, laws, and regulations are up to date. When it comes to the Highway Code, there is a lot to learn as subtle changes are made all the time and you might find certain things more relevant in different areas. For example, if you live in the city, you may not be familiar with the ‘beware deer’ sign. To make sure your knowledge of the rules of the road is up to date, check out the Highway Code and take a few practice theory tests on Toptests.
You should also make sure you are familiar with your car. Brush up on anything you might need from your owner’s manual and make sure you take it with you on your trip.
One of the problems you can face when going on a road trip, especially if you have a smaller car, is packing. When we go on holiday, we want to look our best and take lots of nice clothes and products. However, fitting it all in can be a struggle. The best way to start is by taking an empty suitcase down to your car and seeing how well it fits. You may find you’ve got more space than you think.
A great way to pack more is to pack some things in smaller bags, such as backpacks or tote bags that don’t have to go in the boot. Store them behind seats or at your feet.
Remember to have a great time. When so much of the country can be seen by car, you should make the most of it and see as much as you can. There really is no need to spend a fortune travelling abroad to have a fantastic holiday when there is so much to see right here.
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