I hold my hands up and admit I’ve dieted before, haven’t we all? I think I’ve tried most of the fad ones out there and all they did was make me hungry and miserable, one of the soup ones even made me a little stinky! Last year I decided I wanted to be fitter, stronger and happier and since then I haven’t looked back. Most importantly I want to be a good role model for my growing daughter. I want her to see me eating healthily, making good choices and to know I work out not to change how I look, but to feel stronger and to be fitter. If you are nodding along and want to get fitter without dieting then read on. I have 6 must read tips on how to get fit without dieting.
Don’t set yourself up to fail before you have even started! It’s all about balance! Try making healthier food choices and maybe swap a few things. If you want to look into it more check out a macro calculator, you might be surprised by how much you should be eating when working out especially if you want your body to build muscle, not eat it!
When I first started exercising again last year I jumped straight in and almost gave up after the first workout fail. Instead, I set myself small manageable goals. To start with it was to just make it through a workout, as I was working out at home and building up my confidence. (I highly recommend you check out BBG, not an Ad I’m just a fan) Next, it was to start using free weights at home and now it is to use them at the gym. Set yourself simple, achievable goals that you can reach in the near future and before you know it you will have reached a major fitness goal.
Your fitness journey is unique to you. Everyone has different goals and different starting places, so don’t get sucked into comparing yourself against others. Especially in that yoga class when you can’t touch your toes. One of the best things that has come from getting fitter, is more self confidence. Not because of feeling better about how I look, but because it gives me a sense of achievement. If you start the day with a workout where you have achieved a little personal goal, it’s a great way to start the day.
The secret to a great looking butt isn’t just squats, it’s also a decent pair of leggings, trust me on this! Buy a Primark gym top by all means, but splash out on your sports bra and leggings and it will make a world of difference. Cheaper leggings also go see through when you are squatting, just so you know!
The first few workouts are tough, I’m not going to lie, but I can promise you, you will become addicted to it. You will even find yourself enjoying the after workout ache in your muscles. I’m not talking about the not being able to walk pain, but the nice feeling of your muscles having worked hard. Go on, give it a try for a few weeks and you will see what I mean. I’m also definitely a happier person when I exercise.
If you hate cycling, you probably aren’t going to like a spin class. Find something you enjoy! I started to get bored with my workouts from home so I switched it up and I’m much happier again. Also, don’t be afraid to give weights a try. That’s made the biggest difference for me. If you are enjoying what you are doing you will be able to push yourself more and are more likely to stick at it.
I would lovey to know how you get on and if you find these 6 tips on how to get fit without dieting helpful? I’ve set up a Mums health and wellness motivation group if you would like to join. No question too stupid in there!
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Great tips……for me its No 6…it has to be fun. The gym bores me so I like to attend boxing classes.
Some great tips! Im wanting to tone up a bit this year. Happy with where my weight is but need to lose the tummy!
Some really good tips ! I’m hoping to tone a bit of my tummy now Nila is 6 Months Old- there’s no excuse lol x
The only diets that worked for me were meal replacement ones like slim fast when I was working and could stay away from actual food for most of the day. A week or so on it and my tummy would shrink so I would stop massively overeating. I much prefer to exercise though because I love food. I love it when I reach new exercise goals and feel myself getting stronger
These are great tips, I totally agree with you on these. Setting manageable goals is so important isn’t it. I am doing sugar free January this year as I want to see if I can get rid of some bad habits, and I am feeling so happy so far, and I can’t believe I am half way though.
I think you are right about believing you can. If we truly believe we can do anything we are much more likely to succeed.
These are really great tips. I’ve been having troubles losing weight. These should help.