I like nice things, it makes me happy! There I said it, it’s not my little secret anymore. I do however, often feel a little guilty for wanting nice things, you know how it is when you have kids, I would rather spend money on them. Coming back from a luxury hotel in Portugal however, I realised how much I disliked our bedroom. It has just been ignored as it’s a room you can shut the door on and forget about until bedtime. The thing that started off my realisation of dislike was the pillows, yes pillows! The pillows in Portugal were so amazingly comfortable. Lying my head on them just made me smile each time I did it and yes I did it more than normal because of this fact. When I got home, the first two nights lying on our pillows made me feel in a rage!
I decided that buying pillows must be like paying extra for proper butter, washing up liquid and shoes. So I jumped onto Amazon and ordered us some expensive down pillows. They came and after much excitement at the possibility of re-creating the luxurious sleep I had in Portugal. I put them on our bed to discover they rustled. And when I say rustle, I mean so loudly that it woke us both every time one or the other of us rolled over. This was not how I had imagined our expensive pillows to feel! I tried really hard to like them but James hurling one across the bed in the middle of the night didn’t really help. So I asked some friends and of course they all suggested different brands. By now I’m getting worried that I will never feel the cloud like pillow sleep again. So it seems what I am going to have to do, apparently, is got to John Lewis and try them all.
Whilst all of this has been going on I have been getting annoyed with other little aspects of our bedroom. The lighting, the duvet covers we have, the mismatching (embarrassingly so) bedside tables that we said we would replace when we moved in over a year ago. Isn’t it weird how you just get used to looking at things and forgetting how much they annoy you? I might have moaned a little, ok a lot, to James about a few things and we now have new curtains, that actually fit the window and a new blind, in place of one that looked like it belonged in an 80s office block!
There are still a few simple things we can do to improve our bedroom feel and hopefully help me drift off into a happier, less rage full sleep. I featured on Laura Ashley’s blog with loads of tips on how to create a nicer bedroom so I really need to listen to my own advice!
One of the main ones is to get a mattress that actually fits our bed frame (yes another embarrassing confession). Our current one is too small, don’t ask, it involved a rather stressful Ikea trip and purchasing a double standard , not European, size mattress. Because of this there is a gap around the outside that I cleverly disguise with the duvet and a throw at the bottom. However I would really love to have one that fits and to gain that extra inch which, lets face it, makes all the difference when you have a nightly bed invader that takes up more room than two adults put together. But finding a mattress for two picky people isn’t easy so I have been researching the perfect mattresses for us, that will fit our bed, with the help of the tailored mattress selector on HappyBeds which will hopefully equal a happy sleep for me and James.
I know, I know, this shouldn’t even be a point on here but we have one bedside table that matches our bed frame and one that doesn’t. Why? I know you are thinking! Because in our last house we had room for one, the house before that we had a cot beside the bed and before that a snuzpod. The mismatching one was an old leftover we had and was only ever meant to be a stop gap and it’s still sitting there, mismatching in our room. So it’s just a case of either buying another matching one from Ikea, or keeping my eye out on eBay. I’m sure fixing this will make a huge difference to the look of the room and it’s a bit embarrassing that we haven’t sorted it before now. Especially as we have quite regular Ikea trips, sometimes coming away with nothing other than a belly full of meatballs!
I really want to create a crisp, clean look, to help distract from the clutter that always accumulates, and so I have been looking at white duvet covers. I’ve been reluctant to go down the white route up until now because of, well baby sick and other baby stains, but now we are out of that stage it’s time to take the white plunge, I think! This means no fake tan for me though, how do people get around that one??
Our bedside lamp (yes we have one not two) is so old, I actually think it’s oder than all of the kids and really doesn’t go with the style and ambience I want to create. I seem to have a problem with picking the priciest lamp in a shop and lighting is one thing that I actually find really hard to make a decision on. So this job may take a while. Any suggestions are welcome.
Then there is the issue with the carpet, renting is so much fun! It’s brown, like a boring, no idea why anyone would ever chose that colour, brown. I’ve had my eye on some rugs for a while and especially a faux sheepskin one for my side of the bed. I can just imagine how happy my feet will feel landing on that first thing in the morning rather than flat brown roughness that currently resides by our bed.
I’m sure there are more things we could do to make our bedroom, me and in turn, James, happier. Like removing James’ collection of retro game consoles, he even installed uplights on the shelving unit, out of the bedroom! Ok this one might not make James happier. And having enough room for my own wardrobe, so that I don’t have to share and have a clothes explosion all over the bedroom, well that’s my excuse for it anyway! But I think that fact that I am excited at the prospect of a pillow shopping trip next week says it all!
Happier bedroom here I come!
*Collaborative post
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