SmarTrike Explorer 5-Trikes-in-1 review and video

I was so excited when we were chosen to receive a SmarTrike Explorer 5-trikes-in-1 and become part of the I’m a little SmarTriker team. I’ve had different versions of trikes for the boys over the years but have found the steering difficult, or some of the mechanisms flimsy. After hearing so many great things about  the SmarTrike Explorer 5-trikes-in-1 I had high hopes.

I let Daddy put the SmarTrike together and I oversaw of course. Assembling the SmarTrike was fairly easy following the picture instructions and took roughly ten minutes. I did tell him I was going to time him which didn’t go down too well. As Ava was 16 months when we received the Trike we put it into stage 1 with the barriers in place. Whilst Daddy was putting it together Ava wasn’t really interested in it until it started to take shape at which point she started trying to climb in to it. She knew it was something fun to sit in straight away and I instantly loved the purple colour.

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As she was so keen we took her outside the house and pushed her around the driveway, her little squeals of excitement filling the air it wasn’t long before her brothers heard and came to have a go of pushing her. Her biggest brother commented on how much lighter it was to push her in the trike than in her usual buggy. We filmed her first reaction to the SmarTrike.

We decided to take the trike with us in place of her pram to a local country park where the boys were having a go on the high ropes course. Usually when we get somewhere she wants to run off showing no interest in sitting in anything so we were pleasantly surprised when she caught sight of the SmarTrike and wanted to sit in it. It made checking the boys in and getting them set up much easier without having to hold and chase after a surprisingly fast toddler.


Ava loved being pushed around in her SmarTrike with a good view point to watch all that was going on. The terrain was rather bumpy and muddy and the Trike coped well and I was even able to bump it up and down a set of stairs. I was impressed with the easy steering and the lightness. Being able to change the height of the handle also came in useful for when different people were pushing her, as everyone wanted to have a go. We reclined her seat on our walk as she started to get drowsy and she was more than happy to have a little snooze in it. 

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We have used the SmarTrike a few times now and each time she has remained keen to explore in it, shouting go once we have put her in. I’m looking forward to many more adventures with her and her SmarTrike so keep your eyes peeled for more posts and videos to come. 


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Disclosure: We were sent a SmarTrike Explorer 5-trikes-in-1 as part of the I’m a little SmarTriker team. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


9 responses to “SmarTrike Explorer 5-Trikes-in-1 review and video”

  1. Ah look how much she loves it! I love ours, Holly is exactly the same and is so happy to stay in it. I use it on the walk round to take Alice to preschool and love that Holly can’t run about and she is more than happy to be in there x

  2. MMT says:

    We have one of the earlier models of these from Tigs baby days…it’s great to see they have tweaked some of the bits I disliked – looks such a better model! Many happy memories of days with our smart trike 🙂

  3. Emma says:

    Ah love smart trike. we got one for b when he was one. hes now nearly three and the various bits come off and adapt as he grows. he is now peddling it alone which is fun #PicknMix

  4. laura dove says:

    Our youngest daughter got one for her first birthday and LOVED it. I have to confess though, it hasn’t been used as much as it should have, with three under three we needed the buggies and it wasn’t always possible to push the smart trike too. They do enjoy playing with it now as a little trike in the garden, they are fab how they adapt as they grow! #picknmix

  5. Lucy says:

    Great post, we had & loved a smart trike for Max. It was perfect as he grew and it ‘unassembled’ down to being a trike for him to use alone x #PickNMix

  6. Jason Arnold says:

    I’ve been interested in getting one of these for a long time. Unfortunately, however, our little guy isn’t so ‘little’ anymore, so maybe it will be an investment for the next one. Thanks for sharing #PicknMix

  7. I love these SmarTrikes! I really wanted one for Mia but now shes too old! I would definitely get one if we had another child as they look amazing and perfect instead of a bulky buggy 🙂


  8. Silly Mummy says:

    Aw bless! We have one of these – they’re great! #picknmix

  9. I love the look of the trikes, they weren’t around when mine were small!

    Stevie xx

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