As I sit at my desk tapping this post out on the keyboard I have been on a fast fashion ban for three months! Something I can’t quite believe myself if I’m honest. I used to love nothing more than saying ‘Oh this, it’s from Primark and it only cost me …… insert random cheap amount here’. But three months ago something changed and I decided to give up fast fashion!
A year ago I would have nervous laughed at the idea of no cheap, quick fix shopping sprees to push away the January blues for a little longer. But actually, after the initial shock to the system, it’s great!
If I’m completely honest I do still get the odd twang of fomo when I’m browsing through Instagram though.
The first month I actively avoided going anywhere near my usual favourite high street shops, not even letting my eyes glance in that direction.
I didn’t trust myself to have the will power against the pull of the buzz!
‘But no one will know if I just buy that jumper’ I would think to myself, eyes down, rushing past.
But I would know and that’s what kept me walking.
Then after a month I managed to walk through a Primark store and not buy anything. I know how pathetic that sounds but it was kind of a big deal, a test that I passed and from then on I haven’t looked back.
I didn’t buy ANYTHING in the sales! Even though we spent a day at a huge shopping centre. Instead I enjoyed having a coffee, browsing items we needed for the house and then having a meal out with the money I saved by not buying needless clothes.
The biggest change I have noticed is I feel more relaxed. I no longer feel the constant need to ‘keep up’. But not only that, I feel less stressed deciding what to wear each day. It’s forced me to be more creative with my wardrobe and gave up to the fact that I had too much to start with.
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