
Make Recycling and Reusing Easier – 4 simple ways

If you are on a mission to reduce how much you buy, recycle more, and reuse what you have, then it can be a good idea to have a few tips and tricks up your sleeve to help. When we make recycling and reusing easier, it will make it much more likely that it will happen. Here are some essentials you need in your home if you want to reuse what you have to reduce what you buy and how much you need to recycle. 

Simple ways to make recycling and reusing easier

Sewing kit or sewing machine

Many people discard clothes over small holes, especially if they are made from cheaper, less sustainable materials. Consider keeping a sewing kit or sewing machine at home to reduce new purchases and extend the life of existing items. Iron on patches for clothes can also provide a quick fix. If your sewing skills are lacking like me, instructional videos on YouTube can be helpful.

Glue and adhesive

So many things can be fixed with the right kind of glue or adhesive. From toys to books and plates, and everything in between, you can give it a new lease of life with the right kind of glue. You could use something like Bondic or superglue, if you want something strong. A glue gun can be helpful to have in the home, as well as eco-friendly wood adhesive and adhesives that seal plastic and other materials. 

make recycling and reusing easier

Start a compost

utside to start composting, then it is something that you can do with your waste food, as well as grass cuttings, for example. It can be a natural way to get fertilizer for your garden too, giving your garden back the natural goodness from the food. Of course, there are restrictions to what can be included in compost, as it needs to be natural food waste, such as apple cores, vegetable peelings, and eggshells, rather than a leftover burger! But if you have space it can be a good way to waste less, as well as being a fun thing to do.

Go paperless

If you want to have less coming into your house and want to have less to recycle in the first place, then you need to go paperless. One thing that you can do is to check with any company that would send you things (such as banks, employers, schools, or energy companies) that you have opted for paperless. This means that any bills or letters will be sent digitally, rather than being sent in the post.

These are four simple ways to help make recycling and reusing easier. They are a good place to start, and then you can look at different aspects of your life and make changes as necessary.

*Collaborative post

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